Thursday 1 April 2010

Why is it...?

I wonder why it is that men like to understand how something works and then they want to explain it to you ?
Yesterday our good friend Graham, who is a computer buff, came for the day and did all sorts of wonderful things on our lap tops getting them ready for our trip. It was fantastic that they were now safe and we could use them abroad. It was even better that I could now print directly from my laptop rather than going through Duncan's all the time. But to know that we were "synchronised!?"and other such stuff....?? Why? Is this just me or is it a "girl thing!"?
Perhaps I am letting down the side of the emancipated woman and Emily Pankhurst would disown me but I really think there are things for me to know and understand and things which are definitely the role of the man in my life. Duncan wrote about in in his poem "Marriage is Buying a Car":
"You've got the upholstery and the radio.
I've got the oily bits, the petrol and the driving."
I'm not ashamed of admitting that instruction books are not my forte.I have my giftings and Duncan has his and the fact that he understands the how and why of our synchronisation is enough for me.
I'm not even bothered about why or how Graham managed to wipe my "Sent Items" box. as far as I'm concerned it's done and I can soon fill it up again!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Beverly I am, and always have been, hopeless with instruction books.Show me how to do something and I can take it from there but written instructions ( apart from diagrams naming the parts which I can make sense of, just about) and I have to have Peter reading them and giving me the gist.However I have just downloaded a new improved and free, download for the Paint programme which enables you to do a lot more interesting things with pictures. So some things I can manage to work out. We are all different and our skills complement those of other people - long may it be so - love Pam/Mumx
