Monday 19 April 2010

Sent Ones!

Yesterday we spent the day with Birmingham Harvester Church - you see them in the picture coming out in sympathy with Duncan last time we were with them and Duncan had just had his op. "When one suffers the body suffers!"

We had a wonderful time yesterday.
We worshiped and Stuart brought a new song that God had given to him. We prayed and several words of prophecy were given before we were prayed for and "sent" to Cape Town. A very powerful time where God spoke to us all.
Now, those sceptics among you will be thinking: "Ha! Supposed to be flying on Thursday? No chance!"
That may well be the case as the airports are again on shutdown until 5pm in the case of Manchester Airport, our departure point. It was a very eerie experience driving up and down the M6 and seeing the flashing signs telling us "Manchester Airport Closed! " Liverpool Airport Closed".
A reality that is sinking in for us all is that we are powerless to do anything about an erupting volcano which is threatening to trigger off another, even bigger volcano.
A message from my sister reads: "God's got a lot to answer for at the moment hasn't he?"
My response: "Yes, he's showing the world who is actually in control."
As I was praying this morning I saw a big thumb of God snuffing out the volcano and stopping the erupting lava in its tracks.
He can do that.
I think that He has chosen a desolate place where no one is being hurt as another chance for mankind to acknowledge that He is in control and we should submit to His sovereignty.We are being shown how powerless we are.
Can we swallow our pride and see that?
Can we say, OK, God, you made the world, you made me, Your're the Boss. Your will not mine be done.
I am still praying for a miracle; for the KLM flight to take to the air on Thursday. I believe God can do it. But like Shadrach and his pals, even if that doesn't happen God is still the boss and we will face the delay holding on to Him!


  1. Yes Thursday is still in His Hands to do with as He will. " We do not know we cannot see what things He has to tell" Can't remember which hymn that comes from but it seems very appropriate. Love Mum/Pamxx

  2. Do you mean "We do not know we cannot tell, what pains he had to bear?" If so that's from "There is a Green Hill far Away!"
    Thanks for being such a good follower!!

  3. dadadada dadadadadadadada dadadada dadadadadada

    dadadadaaa dadadadaa dadaa dadadada dadadada dadaaa

  4. At our prayer meeting last night, three separate people came up with the verses from Ecclesiastes 3 about there being a time for everything. I also saw a picture of a triangle with 'Time' written in the middle of it. God's timing is perfect. When He gets you to South Africa, it will be at just the right time. You are in my thoughts and prayers :-)


