Saturday 24 April 2010

Poor Martha!

Yes, as if!
The cat does seem to be aware that something is afoot - they always do don't they? Like the fact that Margaret can't abide cats so who does Martha make a bee line for and insist on displaying her nether regions as closely as possible? Yep, Margaret. Phil is allergic to cats so who is top fave visitor when Chris and Phil came and the house was full to bursting? Yep, right again!
So Martha is making her presence felt but we know that as soon as we are gone and Janet is here she will switch her allegience at the drop of a hat! And Janet, we know, will spoil her something rotten!
So don't be looking for sympathy, Martha; we know you and your kind too well!!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it would be a good thing for Janet to get attached to Martha, Janet seems to have had a rough year of it and cats can give a lot of comfort when they are so minded! Love Mum/Pamxx
