Saturday 10 April 2010

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Duncan used the expression the other day -
"The tarmac seems to be coming up to meet us very quickly now!" and I think it's a very good explanation of how I'm feeling today.
Like when you're on an aeroplane and the flight seems to be lasting for ever; the captain comes over the intercom and says that we'll be landing in about 30 minutes and again the descent seems to take for ever. Then suddenly and very quickly, seat belts are fastened and checked and "cabin crew to positions for landing" and the tarmac is rushing up at us and we're down, landed.
We seem to have been waiting for ages - eye op, glasses, flight booking...and now the days are speeding away and the tarmac will, indeed soon be rushing up at us and we'll be there, landed, in Cape Town!
But there is still so much to do!
Watching Joyce Meyer this morning helped. What is the point of worrying and stressing? Everything will get done. We will fly out and whether or not we have everything we need in our suitcases is not actually the most important thing in the world. Cape Town does have shops!
It's the period of goodbyes that is taking its toll. But again - initially it's for 3 months. We will be able to see our friends and family and leave them saying: "See you in July."
I suppose Chris and Phil should take that as a warning! "See you in August if we have the cash and the time for a holiday!"
I know everyone thinks "Oh Cape Town - holiday" and I also know that even though it's a beautiful, beautiful place, I don't think we will come back having felt we've had a 3 month holiday! God is calling us for more than that.
I feel better now I've had this little chat with myself! Hope it hasn't been too boring for you.
I do love blogging!


  1. Yes although each day is actually the same length, when you have a dead line you feel you need to speed up to get there on time, don't you? Don't worry though, it will all work out in the end.It is only three months away, initially, that will soon pass and you will be back here before you realize it.Relax a bit and enjoy each day as it comes - love Mum/Pam xx

  2. The tarmac will indeed be rushing up to meet us soon so know a little about how you're both feeling and we won't be back for 8 months!It is hard saying 'goodbye'and our time in England has gone all too quickly.We have had a busy but wonderful time....seeing friends and family and soooo much eating and some drinking!!!The weather has been glorious(almost as good as Turkey!)It is sad to go but also nice to be going home...just wish we could take everyone with us!So the two of you as you pack and say your final goodbyes think what the Terminator said "I'll be back"!!!.....and you 12 weeks having made new friends and having had a wonderful time xxxxxx
