Friday 9 April 2010

All Seeing Duncan

Duncan is a very happy boy tonight as we collected his specs today and he can see to read properly again without having the text an inch from his nose! It's amazing that the left lens is now a fraction of the thickness that it was pre-op. It used to look like the bottom of a jam jar and it's now thinner than the other one.
The wonders of modern science!


  1. How well I remember the joy of being able to wear glasses again!! May the Lord enlarge your spiritual eye as well!

  2. Am very happy for wonderful for him after all these years.Not long now for the two of you....thinking of you with all you have to do and all you must be thinking. xxx

  3. Hi there , so glad Duncan has got his glasses now. It is a new beginning in the world of seeing for him. I know how pleased Peter was when he finally got his new glasses. Happy reading Duncan . Love Mum/Pam x
