Sunday 11 April 2010

How on earth did we get here?

To depart is to know that you have belonged. To say 'goodbye' means that somewhere earlier there was a 'hello.' We travel through life together and grow desperately used to each other, our country, our county, our street, our house. These are the things Jesus says to hold lightly. It is not always easy to do this. It isn't always easy to remember we are citizens of heaven and our first allegience before all this things is to the King. When we get confused about what is happening to us on planet earth, it is always good to remember the King. He gives the orders, he commands and rewards. We can work for other earthly rewards, or obey other worldly commands, but ultimately, his will be the only one than counts eternally.

Nearly every other day now, I think to myself: 'How on earth did we get here?' To this point in time, to the point of travelling across the world? The question is better phrased: 'How in heaven did we get here?'

It is God's orchestration. He did it. He brought us to this point in time because he is the Ancient of Days. He did is because he is the Sovereign Lord over all. I tell you we are going to Cape Town. The sentence is strange on my lips, but it is the command of Him whom we serve. We are not greatly holy, or spiritual. There are days when we are far from this ideal, but we go because of the one we love: Jesus. We go because we have come to know him and to know and trust his command.

We believe the life he has for us is the very best possible. Who wouldn't want that?


  1. "To boldly go" as has been said before.

  2. "To boldly let go" of those we love, to go in His Name- where some have gone before, proclaiming His truth. Love Mum/Pam xx
