Saturday 24 April 2010

Over and Out!

This will be the last blog before Cape Town. So the title of the blog will actually be true next time I write. Can we believe it? No not really.
It's nearly 7pm and we are awaiting a last Skype chat with Chris. The cases are ready - bulging! and the cabin luggage is going in as I type. Duncan has been realistic about the books he can take and for once The Pilgrim's Progress isn't coming with us.
No, thinking about it - we are it! We are the pilgrims and I hope you will follow our progress over the next three months.
Signing off for now. God bless. XX


  1. Yes it is true - modern day pilgrims progress -we look forward to the next blog- love Mum/Pamxx

  2. Hello you two....I thought it would be nice for you to have a blog when you first 'switch on' in your new home and I know how Bev loves her blogs!I can't believe you're actually there!I hope your journey went well and I was actually thinking about you...I was really tired last night but woke up at 1.50.a.m. your time(3.50. mine) and thought 'Pam and Pete will be just picking you up' and agin at 6 a.m. and thought you'll be leaving Manchester.....I'm up now and about to text you as you'll be awaiting your Cape Town flight in Amsterdam.Oh yes and another 'Happy Birthday' Bev!!Look forward to your 1st blog.Lots of Love always...Chris xxx

  3. New chapter. You have called the old obselete and are now entering the new. It will be unfamiliar and some will call it error but it will change you forever. You take with you our prayers and love and our fellowship in the Spirit will not cease. I learned from André to press the pause button until I see him again. So I do that now and can't wait for the reunion.

  4. Hi there, sad to see you go - up the staircase - like Jacobs ladder - at the airport . We know that you are both in God's hands now and He holds the future - both your and ours- so we are all in places of safety. We know He has great plans for you both,so rest in that knowledge. 3 months will pass quicker than you think and your days will be full of new sights, sounds and experiences. Don't look back with sadness or regret but look forwards now to what God has in store for you both.We keep you in our prayers at all times and know that your future looks bright. With love - as always - from Mum/Pam and Dad/Peter xxxxx
