Thursday 1 April 2010

'...the kindness of strangers.'

I find myself quite stirred by small moments. As we near departure, now only weeks away, strangers touch my heart. I was discharged by the practise nurse the other day and felt suddenly sad at leaving her and her hospital behind. The same twinge with the optician. The same, believe it or not, with the chap in the Post Office.

Blanche Dubois in Tennessee Williams play 'A Streetcar Named Desire' has, as her exit line: 'I have often depended on the kindess of strangers.' Call me an old romantic, but departure has its moments. It's the call to something higher, greater, than ourselves which asks of life more than we're seeing at the moment. The thought that one stranger at least might be finding a better sky blue somewhere else brings wistfulness and deep connectedness where before there was only a common task of an eye operation or credit card application.

'All the best, anyway,' strangers say. 'Good luck with it.' They sincerely want you to live the dream which, deep down, is also theirs.


  1. Yep, you're an old romantic! (Thank goodness!)

  2. Yes its good to be romantic at times. I was really touched by a small bird that seemed to be courting its own reflection in the top window of the house next door. He didn't seem to realize it was just a reflection of itself. Small things touch us. Long may it be so. Love Mum/Pam x
