Thursday 1 April 2010

Not just about Stamps

Duncan's Turn!

I have usually thrown credit card bumpf where it belongs - in my special file in the corner. In avoiding the cost of foreign exchange, I was motivated to search the different credit cards available. Who would have thought so many people did one these days: Tesco's, Sainsbury's, Amnesty International, B.T., AA, Liverpool, Chelsea and Man U football Clubs, British Heart Foundation, R.S.P.C.A. and the WWF. You name an institution and they'll have a credit card.

In the end, I went for... the good old Post Office! Not only for a warm feeling of English nostalgia while in the breezy Cape, but also because of 3 months nought percent finance and for no charge on any foreign purchases. They do charge for cash withdrawal, but not much.

They also hold Rand in the safe, so I don't have to order it ahead of time. The Post Office are not just about stamps and long queues after all!

1 comment:

  1. The Post Office always was a very good organization and it grieves me that so much has been whittled away from it, but it is heartening to know that they too have ventured on pastures new with their cash exchange schemes.Long may it reign- it was once the best in the world!! Love Mum/Pamxx
