Wednesday 21 April 2010

So Close.....

Cases packed and all ready to roll...but unfortunately the flight to Amsterdam was cancelled so we're not going until Sunday now! Flying on my birthday and as Graham has already said - champagne on the plane to celebrate!
Ah well, we have never been so prepared so early for a flight!
We cannot do any more goodbyes though, it's all far too emotional so I think we'll lock the door and hide until Sunday!


  1. Hello you two....barricaded in behind locked must be feeling pretty strange today thinking you would have been on your way now but all things usually happen for a reason....not sre what that is right now....but you can take these few days together to chill out and relax after the busy time you've just had...then you can travel on sunday all relaxed and ready for your challenges ahead.Thinking of you both and lots of love xxxxxxxxxx

  2. Yes, thanks for the encouragement, Chris. We are able to enjoy the English sun too - an unusual thing in itself!

  3. Romans 8:28

    "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose."

    God's timing is always perfect. He is the first and the last.

  4. Amen to that. Thanks Graham XX

  5. Yes Graham is right, who knows who you might meet on your journey - someone in desperate need of speaking to you - maybe.We look forward to spending time with you tomorrow - love Mum/Pamxx

  6. Also does Duncan always look so grumpy after a bath. And you should tell him the water is too hot its shrinking him
