Sunday 11 April 2010

Lesson 1 : A Goodbye Will Usually Involve Food!

I am going to have to cut right down on what and how much I eat when we get to Cape Town. I'm hoping the excess weight will just roll off due to nervous energy being expended!
We have just spoken to our good friend Margaret who has invited us for a meal on Friday evening at Alison's - who is the cook for the occasion! This will, I know, be a lovely,if a little sad, evening and we will laugh a lot as we always do. And we will eat a lot too! Red wine may well flow...
We have been friends with Margaret and David, Alison and Matthew for some years now but it seems like they have always been our friends.
Last Summer, Duncan performed the marriage ceremony for Alison and Matthew on their back lawn and this was a wonderful time of love and friendship.
We will miss them all very much. Margaret has an uncanny habit of knowing things before we tell her; important decisions in our lives have been revealed to Margaret before we could get there, so to speak.
Like the time we went over to tell them we were leaving Dewsbury. As she combed her hair in the mirror before we arrived, the Spirit whispered to her :"They're coming to tell you they're leaving!"
Then, when we were with them to tell them about Cape Town, she jumped in with: "You're going to Africa aren't you?!"
Margaret is also one of my real blogging buddies. I'm told she has read every blog twice! But unfortunately she hasn't managed to find out how to make a comment yet! I need her input so I'm now praying that she will get another 'whisper' that will lead her through the procedures of adding a comment. Either that or Pam will give the necessary advice!


  1. Hi there, I will try to help Margaret but my computer skills are not amazing. I get there more by trial and error myself. Sometimes I'm fortunate and hit it straight away but usually I seem to fall over the answer more by luck than judgement. She might do better with Alison or Matthew or even Bradley

  2. I can hear lily saying "What about me?" !!
