Saturday 10 April 2010

Life in the Slow Lane!

Just been for a walk along the railway; (Yes, three trains passed us and yes, Duncan waved to them all! Mind you he got a toot from the last one!). Then we came back along the canal and watched a couple of narrow boats negotiating the locks. Fascinating.
There is no way you can rush when you're travelling on the canal.
Oh for the bygone days when traffic travelled slowly! Mind you, we'd be taking 3 months to get to Cape Town then.
There was something very calming about watching the process: the walk to the lock, tying up the boat, watching it drift to the middle of the canal, bringing it back. Watching the level of water fall and the boat slowly nudging its way in. The gates closing and then the reverse repeated at the other end. What an incredible feat of engineering canal locks are.
So back home and more chilled now.
Better get the tea on!
P.S. That's not us in the photo! I googled it!

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