Monday 26 April 2010

Cape Town Day One!

We are here and as I type I am actually looking at this view. From the apartment this is what we look at REALLY! Yes Really! It is breathtaking.
The flights were incredibly straightforward - we left from the same gate that we arrived in Amsterdam, whereas last time we seemed to walk for miles.
The flight didn't seem so long this time and despite the woman in front - (More later!!) we watched three good films, napped, enjoyed the food, had a birthday glass of wine or two and were here on time!
BOTH suitcases were here too!
Jenny, Yvette and Lennard were here to meet us and it was a wonderful moment.
I cried when we took off from Manchester and again when we touched down in Cape Town. We don't know anything of what we will be doing, or rather what God will be doing with us in the next three months. We are completely in His hands as He leads us and shapes us.
So much to talk about but this first blog will have to be quick - but coming in on our first day as instructed, Annie! X
There are problems with our apartment! We are at Diane's for a couple of days until the leak is sorted!! Wouldn't you know! But God's sorted that. Diane is away and her apartment is just along the way from ours in Dolphin Beach! And it's lovely! Incredible. God's mighty chess board - move Janet to Luddendenfoot, move Beverly and Duncan to Cape Town, move Diane and Gavin to Paris for a week! Sorted. And Martha? Martha stays put!
More later. Lots to do! Braii tonight with Chantal et al!
I've started well - healthy breakfast of mango and mueseli. Duncan? Three croissants with butter and jam and he broke the cafetiere too! No change there then.
Bye for now, Will be back soon.
Thank you all of you for your love, support and prayers. Please don't stop!


  1. We are excited with you. Maye we'll call you at Chantal and Aje's this evening. jenny will be there too. Glad that God rpovided for the leak.

  2. Lovely to hear from you so soon and the view is truly spectacular. Will you be able to continue it on a daily basis or have you restrictions on your computer usage? Yesterday was a strange day - we were in bed about 6am and slept until around 10am
    had brunch around 11am didn't do much in the afternoon went to Church in the evening. It was a prayer service - gave a message in tongues and also the translation. Afterwards Diane said it was spot on for her, Carol and Stuart's daughter Beverley seems to be greatly improved so we keep praying. No more news about little baby Jamie. Chris wasn't there last night. May God bless you both richly in everything you do over there. Love From Mum/Pam and Dad/Peter xx

  3. Hello happy you're there and had a good journey(except for the woman we're to hear more about later!)Sounds and looks fantastic...been thinking about you lots and can't believe you're actually there(Chrissy M still stuck in Florida!)What would Frank say eh?So you've started your diet and Duncan???Well what can I say??Tight trousers??Anyway look forward to hearing lots more in the coming always xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Hi you two glad you are there safe and sound. It looks fantastic, just a short one as my mum and dave are watching me to see how to write a comment ha ha. LOve Alison x

  5. Yeah!!!! We had sausage and bean caserole from the slooo cooker to celebrate. Ben said Beverly would have made it spicier... i agreed! Can't wait to hear more and more of what God is doing. Big hugs and one for Jenny from me every time you see her. Axxx

  6. Glad God is working out his will in your lives. And that your allowing him to do so

  7. Hello Duncan and Beverly:

    So happy that your trip was as painless as it sounds, and that you have ended up with such a great view from your new (temp?) home.

    We both send you our love and best wishes as you start your new lives in a foreign land. I know how hard that can be, but I am equally sure that God has sent you there for a reason just as He has given me this new lease on my life!

    David and Josie

  8. So glad you had a good journey to Cape Town. I know we live in a lovely village but that view is awesome. We will keep praying for you and we look forward to catching up with you when you return.
    God bless

    Stephen, Vicky and the girls

  9. Hello Duncan and Beverly:

    What a wonderful start you are having to your new life in Soath Africa. I know we here in the USA and our family we both left behind in the UK are so happy that things are coming together for you - burst boilers aside! It is obvious from your words that in following your heart and God's plan for you, you are making a great choice for your future and the future of everyone you are coming into contact with in love and understanding.
    May God continue in his blessings on you; in love from David and Josie.
