Thursday 8 April 2010

All Together Now!

What a good time was had by all, with the possible exception of the neighbours! 9 people all talking and laughing can be a bit noisy!
It was a flying visit but it was lovely to be together with the ones we love before we embark on our adventure.
Absent from the picture are Lucinda - the photographer on this occasion, and Debbie who unfortunately had to work.
So, 24 hours but we packed in such a lot. The stories that are always told and re-told when we are together - and are always funny. Catching up on each other's lives. Eating and drinking. More eating and drinking. I must confess to a moment of concern when I overheard a conversation in the lounge as I popped the 2 "Jamie Oliver" Lasagnes which were the size of a small continent, into the oven. Chris and Harry were saying how they detested anchovies. "Bleughhhh!" was Chris's comment! I glanced quickly at the small brown blobs in the white sauce - 5 chopped anchovies - and decided to risk it! They yummed it up! I only confessed after the sweet courses had been scoffed and everyone was groaningly full. It is at this point in the proceedings that Christine always vows she is never going to eat again! Good job no-one ever believes her!
It seems strange today - our 14th Wedding Anniversary - to think that they actually did visit. But they did, it was wonderful and I have A LOT of photographic evidence! Keep tuning in to see more!


  1. Happy Wedding Anniversary to you both.Lovely pic and is the evidence of a lovely 24 hours....yes we REALLY did visit.....500 miles there and back!!mmmmmmmmmmmmm anchovies...well hidden I might add!!Have a lovely day and will look forward(I think) to more pics!!!Lots of love xxxx

  2. Yes we really enjoyed the time we spent with you all and the lovely food Beverly especially the lemony sweet. I will have a go making it for Roger and Elaine's lunch on Sunday. Bless you - Love Pam/Mumx
