Thursday 8 April 2010

New glasses awaiting collection!

So that's another thing ticked off the list. We got in tonight to an answer phone message telling us Duncan's new glasses are ready for collection! Rather a relief in more ways that one. Duncan will be so pleased to be "normally sighted" again.
Had a very good afternoon with a lovely musician called Dave. Ruth, Lucy and I recorded the 14 "given songs" and now have them on CD. It is absolutely amazing that God should give us such wonderful worship songs. They are a record of how He has worked in and through our lives during the last two and a half years.
Thank you for your comments on the blog and please keep them coming.
These are the days of the final goodbyes for 3 months.and it can be difficult at times!
Welcome home Janet - if you are reading! Hope your journey from Australia was good and that you settle back into the UK quickly. I know your friends have missed you and will love having you back again!


  1. Glad to hear about Duncan's glasses hope they come up to expectations.Looking forward to hearing your C.D. Yes it is not an easy time for you at present but you have an exciting 3 months to look forward to and a new culture to learn all about as well as making new friends in a beautiful place. it is good we shall all be able to keep in touch. Have just had a long chat with my brother. It is an amazing invention - SKYPE
    hope we are able to chat too sometimes. love Pam/Mum xx

  2. Don't remember this photo of Dunc???When did you take it??Looks like he'd had a few wines tho'!!!!xxxx
