Thursday 8 April 2010

Hard to say goodbye!

I know, Lucinda, you weren't fond of this picture, but I think it's lovely!
It was only on the point of leaving today to go and record the songs that I realised I wouldn't be seeing Harry (or Lucinda) again until our return in July! It was very hard to say goodbye!
I know the reality is that we may not have seen them in the three months but it was still hard to know that we definitely can't see them until the end of July!
Harry will be fine and will continue to do well I'm sure. Love you very much! XX


  1. I am sure Harry will be just fine - he is a lovely young man with a beautiful girlfriend and a bright future ahead of him career-wise. I know you will be anxious about him and I also know you will miss him - I can't say it will ever be much different if I'm honest - you are his mum and that's the way we are programmed.But he will always keep in touch and he loves you. - Love Mum/Pamxx

  2. Lovely Lucinda.....Luvly Hal.....lovely pleased to have been able to see Hal and to meet Lucinda.Be happy you two...loads of love...Aunty Chris xx
