Thursday 8 April 2010

My Lovely Niece

Here's Jack, aka Jacqueline Louise Hooper to give her her full title! (Which she will no doubt not be thanking me for!)
I know that my family may not be of the utmost interest to all my followers but they are of paramount interest to me!
Jack is a lovely girl (young lady!) as you can see in her smile. She is a real blessing to all she knows and who know her.
Thanks Jack for taking the time (and losing the pay) to come up to see us! And for driving the Oldies back home. Did they both bop it away down the M1? Hope they weren't too embarrassing!!
PS Tell your Mum - She's IT!


  1. "Lovely Girl's" Mum here....she won't thank you for her middle name of Frances being as it's really Louise!!!!Oooops!!!Lovely pic of her and so proud of who she is and what she does xxx

  2. Oh sorry Jack; that's Jackie Souster's middle name!!Know you'll forgive me! XX

  3. She certainly is a lovely girl and you must all be very proud of her Love Pam/Mumx
