Friday 23 April 2010

An Afternoon in Bretton Park

There are advantages to our flight being cancelled and one of them is that we were able to spend a lovely afternoon with the Outlaws(!) aka Pam/Pete/Mum/Dad at Bretton. We had a lovely lunch and then wandered around the sculptures and the shop before a good chat where we put the world to rights, yet again and then headed home. Not before having a zoom around on Pam's buggy!!! Great fun - toot toot!


  1. Thanks Beverly we enjoyed your company too, on a bonus outing we hadn't expected.Love Pam/Mum xx

  2. Hello again:

    Just finding my way around here in your blog! Found this great photo of you Duncan with your parents ... you all look very happy and are a joy to behold.

    May you both, Duncan and Beverly find what you are looking for in your new life - and rest assured you have our prayers for your future happiness and safety in South Africa.

    David and Josie
