Wednesday 7 April 2010

Watch this Space!

Well, I wonder what incriminating photos we have to share on our blog after 24 hours with Chris, Phil, Jack, Harry, Lucinda, and a few hours today with Pam and Pete?
Auntie Chris and Phil are at present jamming their way down the M1 with Jack at the wheel and I bet they will keep watching the blog to see just which photos make the screen!!

As Harry and Lucinda are still wth us I will be brief for now! Just want to leave Chris with a message as she anticipates the next blog......................................................................

You're it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Can't wait...the pic had better be one of the nice ones......and can I just say you cannot "IT" anyone with afraid Dunc is still very much "IT"!!!!Thank you both so much for a lovely 24 hours....lovely to see Hal and meet Lucinda(she's lovely) and so nice to see Pam and Pete who both look fab.Anyway love you both very much and will look forward to "following you" to Cape Town and back.Don't forget that when you leave Luddenddendennfoot that you're initially going on a 3 month holiday...............xxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Yes Sun and Sea- find time in between your other activities to really enjoy your surroundings Love Mum/Pamxx
