Tuesday 27 April 2010

The Biggest Chocolate Cake in the World!

Told you it was big! And so low calorie too! It's amazing what can be done out here in Cape Town!


  1. The band played 'believe it if you like' Hope you will enjoy it and never mind the calories, when you are busy again you won't have the time to worry too much about weight. Love Mum/Pam xx

  2. mmmm a bit of chocolate around the mouth and a "what?" and it's the dfs ad!!! Mind you it looks more of an "OOOOOOOHHHHHH". Enjoy! Will try to make my next comment not food related. xxxxx

  3. Glad you arrived safely - looks lovely :-)

    Happy Birthday love Mark, Elizabeth, Henry and Esther xxx

  4. I suppose they must also have health and safety laws in SA. Look at the number of candles!
