Tuesday 20 April 2010

...we'll just wait...

In the words of our favourite character from "Little Britain"..."We'll just wait!"
A further eruption has put paid to the expected opening of Manchester Airport and we have to look for an update at 1pm.

We are fortunate to be waiting in the comfort of our own home. The stories we read of people being stranded miles from home and unable to return are terrible. One of the saddest was a friend of my sister in Turkey who was returning to Britain to visit her mother who was seriously ill. Unable to fly direct, she was making a long detour via Bodrun and Istanbul, only to be stranded in Istanbul unable to go further as British airspace was closed. She then received news that her mother had died and she now has to wait for air space to open again so that she can return for the funeral.We pray for God's peace to be with Pru as she waits and thank God for our good fortune.


  1. Thank you for that Bev....I will pass your message on to Pru.There is always someone worse off!We do feel very grateful that we were on the last plane out of Gatwick last Thursday morning but,for us,it wouldn't have been too much of a hardship having extra time with the girls.....not like for some of the poor people stranded around the world.Lets hope that the situation will improve very soon and that you and Duncan will be able to fly away to begin your dream.Lots of Love ....xxx

  2. This must have increased Prue's sadness, knowing that there was nothing she could do under the circumstances - we will pray for her too . Love Pamxxx
