Friday 30 April 2010

Driving in Cape Town

In spite of all efforts to navigate efficiently, the inevitable happened: we take a wrong turning and are instantly lost! We get up a one way alley to what is looking like the motorway. The mountain is spectacularly close and I could appreciate it more if it wasn't solid confirmation of our wrong direction.

This is when I really learn to drive and Beverly really learns to navigate. Thankfully, we have bought a road map in Canal Walk, so help is at hand. It's trying to work out where we are and where we want to be. We know where we don't want to be: on a motorway for the next 20km. Cape Town is a beautiful city. Bridges, palm trees, creative buildings, sunshine, clear skies and always the majestic Table Mountain who really owns the whole area and graciously gives us passage to be there.

We get out of immediate danger of detour and find some lesser roads to drive on. This is uncharted waters and it's exciting to read the store names and clock the churches. A man at the traffic lights is selling flags - big ones, South African colours. I'm very tempted, but our stress level is still too high.

I imagine what it would look like back in Ripley Terrace, but think of the luggage allowance which we're already exceeding having bought some more books. (Well, hey, come on guys, there's a whole new flat to fill!!) No, seriously, we needed another Bible because we couldn't bring all of the ones we wanted (weight of luggage, etc)
Harvester use NKJ, so we bought another to fit in with the Romans... (and the Corinthians and the Colossians and the...) (That's enough Books, Ed)

Beverly gets us out of trouble (as always) and the familiar bit of Cape Town comes into view once more. The great thing is: all this is done on the left side of the road, so even roundabouts are easy.

Home safe.

'The Play's the Thing.'

For many years, I studied and taught Hamlet. 'The play's the thing,' Hamlet says, 'wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king.'
Drama has been put back in my life to share the good news of Jesus. Church had no use for it really and so I consigned it to the shelf of 'stuff I have done and know, but can't use for God.' God, of course, had other ideas and brings me to a church in which drama and music are so much part of the life of fellowship and evangelism. Drama has always been in me and God finds a use for it. I am so moved by the production of Job. Jesus told stories to share the good news of the kingdom and why shouldn't we? A Bible story set to music and skilfully acted with costumes and simple props can catch the heart of even the most stubborn. These kids were captivated by the power of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit. Restive at first, they settled to a stunned silence at Apostle Leigh's masterful altar call. This is him in the mask talking about how we try and mask our pain when God wants to set us free - profound, yet so simple even a child can understand.

Blown Away!

Today has been awesome. Really and truly awesome and I learnt what we are really all about today and I can't get my head round it!
We went into De Grendal High School with the students from the Bible School and Apostle Leigh and Pastor Billy to present an extract from the musical Job. That in itself was fantastic but after Apostle Leigh's altar call I was open-mouthed at the response. These kids who filled the hall and were only just behaving in an acceptable way at the start, these kids who came from very poor and broken homes and suffered in terrible ways, just poured to the front. Really. There were dozens of them. My sceptical, ex-teacherly self thought they were taking the micky, but when Duncan and I were directed to a group of five or six black boys who wanted to give their lives, one look at their serious faces humbled me and I wanted to cry.We began to pray with them and an arm snaked around my waist and I was cuddling a young lad who obviously needed a cuddle as much as he needed Jesus. Awesome. An incredible moment that on its own would have made this trip worth while.
Apostle Leigh then drew me aside to a group of girls who wanted prayer and I led two girls to Jesus and hugged them and wiped the tears from their faces. I then prayed for two young girls who were Christians but had big problems at home.
Our time in the school finished with us talking to a 15 year old boy who was a Christian and who led worship in his church. He sang two worship songs to us. I am speechless. I am humbled and I know why we are here. Thank you Jesus.

Thursday 29 April 2010


Yesterday evening we went with Aje, Chantal, Nola and Zoe to see Cherie dance in the Eisteddfod competition. She was beautiful, danced very well and received a well-deserved diploma. We then went on to have soup with Nola and Andre. Nola knows how to make soup! Yum!
We spent time talking again and imbibing all we could from them. Andre is going away on Sunday evening for a week. We will miss him.
Nola has kindly lent us her car until we sort out a leased one and so we had our first drive home! Duncan managed very well as soon as he got used to it being an automatic!
So we were able to drive ourselves into Bible School this morning. Two more excellent sessions, one with Marilese on Colossians (sp?) and then Aje on Ephesians left us with so much to think about! The body, knitted together in love illustrated by a row of knitting producing a scarf to keep us warm! Excellent stuff.
We left them all dancing in preparation for tomorrow's outreach into school with Job and we went to The Paddocks and had lunch and did some more shopping now we have a car. Duncan is going to the Band of Brothers meeting tonight and being a men's meeting there will obviously be food involved! I am quite looking forward to a night in.
When we got back the workmen had closed the road to Dolphin Beach! No diversion signs! So we had to find another route home! As we arrived we passed Caherine who was our host last time we were here. She had come to visit and we had almost missed her.
It was so lovely to see her again. She came in and joined us for coffee and cake and we had a lovely hour together catching up.

Walking out of the Paddocks shopping centre it gave us quite a start to see the Mountain as our backdrop. It is a beautiful, clear day and Table Mountain just looks like a picture. Can it possibly be real? Can we really be here? Everyone seems so excited that we are here and we have been so readily received and feel so loved.
Latest news on our apartment - Friday or Saturday is when we expect to be able to move in. Louie for one is looking forward to me cooking a meal for him! It will be so nice to be able to return the compliments and feed our friends!

Wednesday 28 April 2010

First Walk on the Beach

Yesterday we walked from Dolphin Beach to Sunset Beach to have tea with Andre and Nola.As you can see, soft white sand, beautiful blue sea and sky. Incredible!
We had tea and evening meal and a very good time of chatting with Andre and Nola.
We watched a video of the Prisoners production - a drama set on Acts 16 - very good. Jenny was there too and I gave her all the hugs from Birmingham!
Aje brought us home and we tried to get an early night as we had to be up early this morning for Bible School. I say "tried" as Duncan spent ages trying to send an e mail to Ruth and Phil and was then swotting up on 1 and 2 Thessalonians as he'd heard that Apostle Leigh was teaching on that! Teacher's pet or what!
Bible school was really good and the worship beforehand was powerful - led by Charlene. God was powerfully there. The lessons were very good too - Adele taught on cults and false teaching and I learnt a lot.
We are now back at the apartment and Louie and Hope are here again, and so is the maid. There are many things we have to get used to over here!
This afternoon we are going to watch Cherie dance and then this evening it's Households - like Housegroups I think.
It was lovely to see our "guide and driver" from the summit again, Louie. What a HUGE hug he gave me and he actually lifted Duncan off his feet and swung him round! These people know how to love! They are making us so welcome and at home.
So to all those at home who also know how to love - thank you for your comments on the blog - they are really appreciated! We will try to send some personal e mails soon when things are a little more settled and routine. XX

Tuesday 27 April 2010

The Biggest Chocolate Cake in the World!

Told you it was big! And so low calorie too! It's amazing what can be done out here in Cape Town!

One Stunning Sunset!

Monday 26 April 2010

New Insight

To talk with spiritual people about spiritual matters is wonderful. To understand more of what God has done in your life by someone else's insight is truly what the body of Christ is about. As we chatted tonight about what God had done in our lives in recent months, new revelation opened up to us.

The kingdom of God is only received through faith and revelation. There are depths to God's actions that require time and wisdom to grasp. Anything God says or does operates on profound levels of communication that take visit after revisit to understand. We see this manifestly in the Bible. The Living Word never tires of its relevance to our lives. It is a lifetime's study simply because it is a Spirit breathed work. So it is with the vocabulary of God's miraculous dealings with man. Any encounter with God is deeply filled with meaning which God unfolds as we meditate and pray upon what he's done.

We are blessed to be with fellow travellers who have gone before us and are wiser in the mysteries of the faith.

Cape Town Day One!

We are here and as I type I am actually looking at this view. From the apartment this is what we look at REALLY! Yes Really! It is breathtaking.
The flights were incredibly straightforward - we left from the same gate that we arrived in Amsterdam, whereas last time we seemed to walk for miles.
The flight didn't seem so long this time and despite the woman in front - (More later!!) we watched three good films, napped, enjoyed the food, had a birthday glass of wine or two and were here on time!
BOTH suitcases were here too!
Jenny, Yvette and Lennard were here to meet us and it was a wonderful moment.
I cried when we took off from Manchester and again when we touched down in Cape Town. We don't know anything of what we will be doing, or rather what God will be doing with us in the next three months. We are completely in His hands as He leads us and shapes us.
So much to talk about but this first blog will have to be quick - but coming in on our first day as instructed, Annie! X
There are problems with our apartment! We are at Diane's for a couple of days until the leak is sorted!! Wouldn't you know! But God's sorted that. Diane is away and her apartment is just along the way from ours in Dolphin Beach! And it's lovely! Incredible. God's mighty chess board - move Janet to Luddendenfoot, move Beverly and Duncan to Cape Town, move Diane and Gavin to Paris for a week! Sorted. And Martha? Martha stays put!
More later. Lots to do! Braii tonight with Chantal et al!
I've started well - healthy breakfast of mango and mueseli. Duncan? Three croissants with butter and jam and he broke the cafetiere too! No change there then.
Bye for now, Will be back soon.
Thank you all of you for your love, support and prayers. Please don't stop!

Saturday 24 April 2010

Over and Out!

This will be the last blog before Cape Town. So the title of the blog will actually be true next time I write. Can we believe it? No not really.
It's nearly 7pm and we are awaiting a last Skype chat with Chris. The cases are ready - bulging! and the cabin luggage is going in as I type. Duncan has been realistic about the books he can take and for once The Pilgrim's Progress isn't coming with us.
No, thinking about it - we are it! We are the pilgrims and I hope you will follow our progress over the next three months.
Signing off for now. God bless. XX

Poor Martha!

Yes, as if!
The cat does seem to be aware that something is afoot - they always do don't they? Like the fact that Margaret can't abide cats so who does Martha make a bee line for and insist on displaying her nether regions as closely as possible? Yep, Margaret. Phil is allergic to cats so who is top fave visitor when Chris and Phil came and the house was full to bursting? Yep, right again!
So Martha is making her presence felt but we know that as soon as we are gone and Janet is here she will switch her allegience at the drop of a hat! And Janet, we know, will spoil her something rotten!
So don't be looking for sympathy, Martha; we know you and your kind too well!!

Birthday Eve!

As I am due to spend my birthday in the air tomorrow we decided that I would celebrate my birthday today. So I have just opened my cards and presents - thank you all

and Harry - I'll see you later!!!
The sun is shining and we have a little re-adjustment to the cases to make but after that we are just going to enjoy the wait.

Take Two!

30 hours exactly before the flight I was able to print out boarding passes. So we are now all set to go - again!

Friday 23 April 2010

Proud Parents!

It has to be said - and I'll never live it down as far as my father-in-law is concerned - but this really is one amazing couple! They have supported us in prayer and love through everything and are releasing us to go to Cape Town, totally convinced that we are doing God's will and therefore completely happy and at peace. We pray that they will be well and happy throughout the next three months and that we will have amazing tales to tell them of how God is at work in the world. They know Him and will love the encouragement.
And in addition to that, it is Pam and Pete who will be knocking on our door at 2am Sunday morning in order to take us to Manchester Airport!What more could we ask?!

An Afternoon in Bretton Park

There are advantages to our flight being cancelled and one of them is that we were able to spend a lovely afternoon with the Outlaws(!) aka Pam/Pete/Mum/Dad at Bretton. We had a lovely lunch and then wandered around the sculptures and the shop before a good chat where we put the world to rights, yet again and then headed home. Not before having a zoom around on Pam's buggy!!! Great fun - toot toot!


We were watching the news and seeing all the stranded Britons being rescued in all sorts of ways - cruise ships, battle ships, trains...and when they interviewed some of the rescued people I was amazed to hear one woman complain that after all she had been through she was angry that she now had to queue to get aboard her rescue boat.


Now I don't underestimate the terrible time these unfortunate people had been through, and this woman did not appear to have frustrated and ill-behaved children hanging from her arm and wailing, but to actually make such an unappreciative comment to the world's media leaves me speechless.
I was reminded of a story that Paul told us of his recent trip to the Philippines. The area he visited had been devastated by an earthquake and as he surveyed the turmoil he was amazed at the peoples' ability to stay cheerful and further moved to hear, transmitted over an old, crackling tannoy, the old Carpenters' song being relayed at full volume:
"I'm on the top of the world, looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find, is the love that I've found ever since you've been around is what puts me on the top of the world!"
We seem to have lost our ability to suffer anything if this woman is a representative of the Brits abroard.
Whatever happened to gratitude?

Thursday 22 April 2010

Happy Birthday to You!

Happy Birthday, Lucinda, we hope you have a lovely day.
We should have been flying on your birthday but now we're flying on mine!!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

So Close.....

Cases packed and all ready to roll...but unfortunately the flight to Amsterdam was cancelled so we're not going until Sunday now! Flying on my birthday and as Graham has already said - champagne on the plane to celebrate!
Ah well, we have never been so prepared so early for a flight!
We cannot do any more goodbyes though, it's all far too emotional so I think we'll lock the door and hide until Sunday!

Never Mind Wally!

Never mind where's Wally? Where is KLM flight 1072 6am flight to Amsterdam?
I've been on and off the KLM web site all evening - 16.41, 16.56, 17.11, 17.26, 17.41, 17.56 and 18.11 and loads of flights are being added - our connecting flight to Cape Town is sitting proudly in the list - but what of our morning flight to Amsterdam?
All those out there who pray - please do so!
Jenny Unsworth in Cape Town has done just that and has just said "I have a feeling I'll be seeing you pretty soon!" We should just have faith!
Must go - got to see if there's an update on the KLM web site!!!

Who's a Big Boy Then???!!!

After years of watching Duncan eat his way through everything he wanted and not gaining an ounce, all those pastries and Chorley cakes, curries and fish and chips are catching up with him!
So to the serious business of losing weight when we are in Cape Town! We will! We will! We will!
Personally, I love it that I'm not the only one!!

Packing in Progress!

You know, 20kg is not that much!

Still not Sure!

Still can't see our flights on the list of expected departures. We have to phone the flight company after 3pm.
He really is a God of the eleventh hour!
Watch this space!

Tuesday 20 April 2010

...we'll just wait...

In the words of our favourite character from "Little Britain"..."We'll just wait!"
A further eruption has put paid to the expected opening of Manchester Airport and we have to look for an update at 1pm.

We are fortunate to be waiting in the comfort of our own home. The stories we read of people being stranded miles from home and unable to return are terrible. One of the saddest was a friend of my sister in Turkey who was returning to Britain to visit her mother who was seriously ill. Unable to fly direct, she was making a long detour via Bodrun and Istanbul, only to be stranded in Istanbul unable to go further as British airspace was closed. She then received news that her mother had died and she now has to wait for air space to open again so that she can return for the funeral.We pray for God's peace to be with Pru as she waits and thank God for our good fortune.

...and Finally...

Last night was our final goodbye! Our final carvery with Phil, Ruth and Janet. As we expected, it was very sad, especially at the end of the evening when Duncan gave Phil our two sets of church keys.
These three people are our dear friends and although we do not pastor the church any more, our relationship with them will not change and we will be the best of friends for ever. Physical distance will never keep us apart and we know, as we go to South Africa, that they will be praying for us every day, as we will be praying for them.
They are the best of friends and the best elders a church could wish for.
We pray that God will bring you a new pastor, who is the right person for the place, as soon as possible.

Monday 19 April 2010

Almost Ready!

Cases sorted!
Will this ash cloud get a move on please?!

Sent Ones!

Yesterday we spent the day with Birmingham Harvester Church - you see them in the picture coming out in sympathy with Duncan last time we were with them and Duncan had just had his op. "When one suffers the body suffers!"

We had a wonderful time yesterday.
We worshiped and Stuart brought a new song that God had given to him. We prayed and several words of prophecy were given before we were prayed for and "sent" to Cape Town. A very powerful time where God spoke to us all.
Now, those sceptics among you will be thinking: "Ha! Supposed to be flying on Thursday? No chance!"
That may well be the case as the airports are again on shutdown until 5pm in the case of Manchester Airport, our departure point. It was a very eerie experience driving up and down the M6 and seeing the flashing signs telling us "Manchester Airport Closed! " Liverpool Airport Closed".
A reality that is sinking in for us all is that we are powerless to do anything about an erupting volcano which is threatening to trigger off another, even bigger volcano.
A message from my sister reads: "God's got a lot to answer for at the moment hasn't he?"
My response: "Yes, he's showing the world who is actually in control."
As I was praying this morning I saw a big thumb of God snuffing out the volcano and stopping the erupting lava in its tracks.
He can do that.
I think that He has chosen a desolate place where no one is being hurt as another chance for mankind to acknowledge that He is in control and we should submit to His sovereignty.We are being shown how powerless we are.
Can we swallow our pride and see that?
Can we say, OK, God, you made the world, you made me, Your're the Boss. Your will not mine be done.
I am still praying for a miracle; for the KLM flight to take to the air on Thursday. I believe God can do it. But like Shadrach and his pals, even if that doesn't happen God is still the boss and we will face the delay holding on to Him!

Saturday 17 April 2010

Who is in Control?

As I was reading this morning I was led to Psalm 104 and in particular to verses 31 and 32:

"May the glory of the Lord endure for ever
May the Lord rejoice in His works
He who looks at the earth, and it trembles,
Who touches the mountains and they smoke."

God is in control and at times like these we are made acutely aware of it.
We are praying that the breath of God will blow away this ash cloud very soon. But if He doesn't, then we must still say, "Your will, not ours be done!"

Desperate Dan Eat Your Heart Out!

Look at this pie! Is this a pie or what?
This is the pie that Alison lovingly cooked for us and which the six of us shared last night. We had a wonderful time - the food was excellent and the company even better! How we laughed! Matthew is sooooooo funny, so witty and the things he can do with a head torch...

It was a sad goodbye, as we knew it would be and we didn't leave until well after 1pm. No-one wanted the evening to end!

Happy people, truly happy people, who delight in each other, are such a pleasure to be with. As the Graham Kendrick song "The Servant King" says: "Each other's needs to prefer..." We see Christ being formed in our friends and it is lovely to see and be amongst.

Friday 16 April 2010

Would You Believe It?

Our staircase is broken!
Today, as I was coming down stairs the biggest step at the top where it turns a corner, sort of snapped!(Mental note - must lose weight!)
So David is coming round next Tuesday and will hopefully be able to sort it out so that Janet doesn't have to take a very large step every time she goes up/down stairs!

We were relieved that David and Helen next door had exactly the same problem last year and they got it fixed relatively easily!

Have Lap Tops will Travel!

We've found the best way of transporting our laptops - and have bought these Swordfish bags which protect and also make them easily carried once we're there. Duncan's has a fault though, so it's back to PC World for a replacement!

Super Phil!

Without Phil's 40/40 vision yesterday the plane would never have made it through the volcanic ash cloud!!!
Now they are safe and sound back in the Turkish sun!

Early Birthday Present!

Look at these little beauties. Well, hardly little I know - you could never say that a pair of size 8 pink boots were "little" but beautiful - yes!

We went to the White Rose centre to get a couple of little cases on wheels that we could use for cabin luggage as we are allowed 12kg but don't want that amount of weight on our shoulders, and as I was passing the Clarks shop these pink beauties cried out to me and I had to try them on.
Well, one thing led to another and the next thing you know.........

They are like my original "Cornish Pasty" shoes that I had when I was at college! Soooooooooooooooooo comfortable. The only difficulty was choosing between pink and bright, bright blue. One of each would have been the solution but the woman in the shop wasn't having any of that! So, it HAD to be the pink! Mmmm.
Two birds with one stone for Duncan too - what to buy me for my birthday that doesn't add weight to our luggage! I'll be wearing these beauties as we fly to Cape Town next week - volcanic ash permitting, of course!

Farewell to Jonathan and Rachael

We had chilli last night, and trifle and a good time with our friends Jonathan and Rachael.We talk the same language, we're tuned into the same frequency and so the conversation was easy, it flowed. Just like worship should!
I sang with Dewsbury Elim Church's worship team and for most of my time Rachael led worship and she was fantastic to worship with as she listened to, and heard God and I began to experience worship as I had not experienced it before.
It was Rachael who recommended Jarrod Cooper's book on worship and I read it from cover to cover and learned more.
Rachael and Jonathan are "real" about their faith and about God and we enjoy their company and our prayers together as they were leaving were impactful and prophetic.

Thank you both and we will look forward to seeing you again in the summer. I look forward to us eating together again - something with red kidney beans and cherries I think will be on the menu, Jonathan!

Thursday 15 April 2010

Big Events

Someone once said: 'big events of history turn on small hinges.' As we view the news of the volcanic ash and the grounding of all UK flights, we share the concerns of all those stuck in an airport somewhere. Two months ago, we had a choice of flight date and put one in the diary. It could have been this Thursday out of Manchester. We realise how fragile our planet is and how all things are connected together. We pray for the folk stuck somewhere and for the people of Iceland in their fog of ash.

Looking Forward....

Here's another shot Margaret won't thank me for but at least we're both in the same boat!
Looking forward to seeing Margaret and David and Alison and Matthew tomorrow night. XX

Another Farewell!

Yesterday we had lunch at the carvery with Paul and Greta, two of our dearest friends. As always we had a good time and were able to share lots of laughter.

Relationships with close friends are so special, and we know, that wherever we are in the world the relationship will never change and that Paul and Greta will always be there for us; as they say in their card - they have always, and will always cheer us on. I'm sorry I can't locate a photo of Greta too, but this one of Paul will have to suffice. He's eating here too! Of course!

We wish you all the best in your marathon run next month, Paul. Whatever you set out to accomplish you always succeed so we expect to hear a time of well below 5 hours!
Take care Hudson family. We'll see you in the Summer XX

Rotator Cuffs!

A picture with Harry and Lucinda in mind!
The pain I've been experiencing (at times excruciating) in my upper arms is NOT, after all, down to old age! Have just been to the doctor's and he says it's a problem with my rotator cuffs and has given me some anti-inflammatory (sp?) pills but the good news is - going to Cape Town will probably heal it! Being in a warmer and drier environment will probably do the trick! That and prayer of course!
I don't fancy the next course of action - injections directly into my shoulder! Ouch!

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Pressing onward!

I'm just about to tackle the ironing! If I get all the "possibly takes" and pile them up it should be easier when we get to packing.I hope!
While I am blogging about ironing I want to recommend my iron - it really is fabulous and although it wasn't cheap it was, and is, worth every penny. It's one of those turbo steam ones, mine's a Tefal and not the one in the picture above!I just used this one to get your attention!
Ironing really is so much easier with the turbo steam as you don't have to exert nearly as much pressure.So I'd better go and plug it in and get going.

Monday 12 April 2010

Once an English Teacher...

We went to Dewsbury today to see Michael to have a last hair cut before Cape Town. He's a great hair dresser and has become a friend over the years and is well worth the drive from Luddendenfoot!
While parking up I noticed a new cafe had opened close to the salon and saw the following advertising banner:

"A Sign of Great taste. Grill's Panini's Baguettes Curry's"

How could anyone get it so wrong with the poor old apostrophe?

There is no logic to the errors either.Why are the baguettes singled out for the correct punctuation?

When I was teaching I always told the kids they would make fewer mistakes if they left out the apostrophe altogether : If in doubt,leave it out!
This cafe may be a sign of great taste but not,sadly, of great punctuation!

And yes, it does matter!

Sunday 11 April 2010

How on earth did we get here?

To depart is to know that you have belonged. To say 'goodbye' means that somewhere earlier there was a 'hello.' We travel through life together and grow desperately used to each other, our country, our county, our street, our house. These are the things Jesus says to hold lightly. It is not always easy to do this. It isn't always easy to remember we are citizens of heaven and our first allegience before all this things is to the King. When we get confused about what is happening to us on planet earth, it is always good to remember the King. He gives the orders, he commands and rewards. We can work for other earthly rewards, or obey other worldly commands, but ultimately, his will be the only one than counts eternally.

Nearly every other day now, I think to myself: 'How on earth did we get here?' To this point in time, to the point of travelling across the world? The question is better phrased: 'How in heaven did we get here?'

It is God's orchestration. He did it. He brought us to this point in time because he is the Ancient of Days. He did is because he is the Sovereign Lord over all. I tell you we are going to Cape Town. The sentence is strange on my lips, but it is the command of Him whom we serve. We are not greatly holy, or spiritual. There are days when we are far from this ideal, but we go because of the one we love: Jesus. We go because we have come to know him and to know and trust his command.

We believe the life he has for us is the very best possible. Who wouldn't want that?

Mr and Mrs Ellis

Here's Alison and Matthew. They are our hosts next Friday and we're really looking forward to seeing them again!

Here's Margaret!

Here she is, She who must be obeyed!
As you can see we've caught her mid-flow, but as she still hasn't worked out how to make a comment, we can't hear what she is saying.
Probably just as well!
Looking forward to seeing you on Friday, Margaret!

Lesson 1 : A Goodbye Will Usually Involve Food!

I am going to have to cut right down on what and how much I eat when we get to Cape Town. I'm hoping the excess weight will just roll off due to nervous energy being expended!
We have just spoken to our good friend Margaret who has invited us for a meal on Friday evening at Alison's - who is the cook for the occasion! This will, I know, be a lovely,if a little sad, evening and we will laugh a lot as we always do. And we will eat a lot too! Red wine may well flow...
We have been friends with Margaret and David, Alison and Matthew for some years now but it seems like they have always been our friends.
Last Summer, Duncan performed the marriage ceremony for Alison and Matthew on their back lawn and this was a wonderful time of love and friendship.
We will miss them all very much. Margaret has an uncanny habit of knowing things before we tell her; important decisions in our lives have been revealed to Margaret before we could get there, so to speak.
Like the time we went over to tell them we were leaving Dewsbury. As she combed her hair in the mirror before we arrived, the Spirit whispered to her :"They're coming to tell you they're leaving!"
Then, when we were with them to tell them about Cape Town, she jumped in with: "You're going to Africa aren't you?!"
Margaret is also one of my real blogging buddies. I'm told she has read every blog twice! But unfortunately she hasn't managed to find out how to make a comment yet! I need her input so I'm now praying that she will get another 'whisper' that will lead her through the procedures of adding a comment. Either that or Pam will give the necessary advice!

Missing You Already!

Going through the painful process of saying goodbye to those we love is slightly offset by thinking of the things we won't miss. For example, the all-too-regular appearance of sofa ads on TV! I cannot believe their frequency. The inane families doing Mexican waves, the girl poking her boyfriend (what's that all about?!) and as for the woman with the chocolate! Has she got some incredible co-ordination disability? No-one makes that much mess eating a bar chocolate for goodness sake! She might well say "What?"
What indeed!

Saturday 10 April 2010

Life in the Slow Lane!

Just been for a walk along the railway; (Yes, three trains passed us and yes, Duncan waved to them all! Mind you he got a toot from the last one!). Then we came back along the canal and watched a couple of narrow boats negotiating the locks. Fascinating.
There is no way you can rush when you're travelling on the canal.
Oh for the bygone days when traffic travelled slowly! Mind you, we'd be taking 3 months to get to Cape Town then.
There was something very calming about watching the process: the walk to the lock, tying up the boat, watching it drift to the middle of the canal, bringing it back. Watching the level of water fall and the boat slowly nudging its way in. The gates closing and then the reverse repeated at the other end. What an incredible feat of engineering canal locks are.
So back home and more chilled now.
Better get the tea on!
P.S. That's not us in the photo! I googled it!

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Duncan used the expression the other day -
"The tarmac seems to be coming up to meet us very quickly now!" and I think it's a very good explanation of how I'm feeling today.
Like when you're on an aeroplane and the flight seems to be lasting for ever; the captain comes over the intercom and says that we'll be landing in about 30 minutes and again the descent seems to take for ever. Then suddenly and very quickly, seat belts are fastened and checked and "cabin crew to positions for landing" and the tarmac is rushing up at us and we're down, landed.
We seem to have been waiting for ages - eye op, glasses, flight booking...and now the days are speeding away and the tarmac will, indeed soon be rushing up at us and we'll be there, landed, in Cape Town!
But there is still so much to do!
Watching Joyce Meyer this morning helped. What is the point of worrying and stressing? Everything will get done. We will fly out and whether or not we have everything we need in our suitcases is not actually the most important thing in the world. Cape Town does have shops!
It's the period of goodbyes that is taking its toll. But again - initially it's for 3 months. We will be able to see our friends and family and leave them saying: "See you in July."
I suppose Chris and Phil should take that as a warning! "See you in August if we have the cash and the time for a holiday!"
I know everyone thinks "Oh Cape Town - holiday" and I also know that even though it's a beautiful, beautiful place, I don't think we will come back having felt we've had a 3 month holiday! God is calling us for more than that.
I feel better now I've had this little chat with myself! Hope it hasn't been too boring for you.
I do love blogging!

Friday 9 April 2010

All Seeing Duncan

Duncan is a very happy boy tonight as we collected his specs today and he can see to read properly again without having the text an inch from his nose! It's amazing that the left lens is now a fraction of the thickness that it was pre-op. It used to look like the bottom of a jam jar and it's now thinner than the other one.
The wonders of modern science!

Thursday 8 April 2010

Hard to say goodbye!

I know, Lucinda, you weren't fond of this picture, but I think it's lovely!
It was only on the point of leaving today to go and record the songs that I realised I wouldn't be seeing Harry (or Lucinda) again until our return in July! It was very hard to say goodbye!
I know the reality is that we may not have seen them in the three months but it was still hard to know that we definitely can't see them until the end of July!
Harry will be fine and will continue to do well I'm sure. Love you very much! XX

New glasses awaiting collection!

So that's another thing ticked off the list. We got in tonight to an answer phone message telling us Duncan's new glasses are ready for collection! Rather a relief in more ways that one. Duncan will be so pleased to be "normally sighted" again.
Had a very good afternoon with a lovely musician called Dave. Ruth, Lucy and I recorded the 14 "given songs" and now have them on CD. It is absolutely amazing that God should give us such wonderful worship songs. They are a record of how He has worked in and through our lives during the last two and a half years.
Thank you for your comments on the blog and please keep them coming.
These are the days of the final goodbyes for 3 months.and it can be difficult at times!
Welcome home Janet - if you are reading! Hope your journey from Australia was good and that you settle back into the UK quickly. I know your friends have missed you and will love having you back again!

My Lovely Niece

Here's Jack, aka Jacqueline Louise Hooper to give her her full title! (Which she will no doubt not be thanking me for!)
I know that my family may not be of the utmost interest to all my followers but they are of paramount interest to me!
Jack is a lovely girl (young lady!) as you can see in her smile. She is a real blessing to all she knows and who know her.
Thanks Jack for taking the time (and losing the pay) to come up to see us! And for driving the Oldies back home. Did they both bop it away down the M1? Hope they weren't too embarrassing!!
PS Tell your Mum - She's IT!

Ah, That's better!

Having previously published a photo that was not to my sister's liking I thought I'd better redeem myself! This is a much better shot and I think it shows how they really are - very happy together.
All you Christian readers could add them to your prayers please as they are in a very frustrating and challenging situation with a builder in Turkey who has not treated them fairly, to say the least. Please pray that all will be well with their home (s) and they will have peace while the building is completed. Thanks!