Saturday 1 May 2010

Missions Night

Last night we had a Missions Night in Church so that Andre and Yvette could share about their recent trip to India. You see them in the photo with Hilton.
The evening began with curry and then we went into the church to watch the edited highlights of all the footage Yvette had taken while they were there. She and Aje had taken many hours producing the final cut, including two occasions where they worked through the night.
The very personal and inimitable style of Yvette Pelser shone through this informative and creative film. We were transported to India and we shared their experience in every detail. Yvette is so funny and we laughed at the helium-voiced Andre as he coached cricket; we laughed as Yvette talked to herself in the hotel room and introduced us to her companions - "wall, bed, flowers, real!" as she wasn't allowed to accompany her Dad to the bar.We laughed at a speeded up film of the two of them as they chased around a station platform and were running across the tracks like naughty school children!
But there was so much more.
We saw, through the lens of the camera, a deep love and compassion for those people who "have nothing but are happy". Andre prayed for a pastor's wife and the camera zoomed in and traced the tears as they trickled down her face. She had been denied a voice and Andre pronounced with great strength that she would operate out of her gifting from now on.
As Andre struggled to speak to us all about these wonderful people he was overcome with emotion and I was once again convinced in my spirit that this is the place we are meant to be, amongst these people who really and authentically seek to do the work of Jesus on earth today. We are honoured and privileged to be here; and we are happy.
Aje asked Duncan to share a few words at the end and he spoke well; briefly he outlined how it was that Harvester Missions came to England and planted the seeds that are growing in our hearts. We were visited in Sowerby Bridge by ten Reformer people. Pharoh was visited with ten plagues before God pronounced that he had had his last chance, as Andre pointed out to us the other day. Thank you Andre, Nola, Mimie, Aje, Chantal, Mourne, Graham, Annie, Ben and Jenny. We are here because of the seeds you planted and your obedience to God.
P.S. Jackie - we will be bringing you a copy of the DVD!


  1. You are learning so much, all these new
    experiences that are enriching your lives will stand you in great stead for the future- whatever that may be.Nothing is ever wasted, everything is used by God in the work He has planned for you to do.Love to you both from us both Mum/Pam and Peter/Dad xxxx

  2. Can't wait to see the DVD. I have seen a lot of footage of mission work in India and the poverty hits you. I hope to go with André one day
