Friday 7 May 2010

No Clear Majority!

We watched a bit of the Election programme last night, watched the first counts coming in and the frustrated would-be-voters turned away from the polling stations in Sheffield because of “errors” at 10pm.
We are home from Bible School now and are listening to the first statement from Gordon Brown – arrangements with the Lib-Dems, a Lib/Lab pact?

The country may not be the same one we left!
Just thought we’d let you know that we are still interested – well as much as we ever were! Janet will have voted for us so we did our bit and Emeline Pankhurst can rest in peace.


  1. Yes, Duncan interesting times ahead for our country.We are waiting to see what happens next.We also voted, by post several days ago so weren't caught in the 10pm lock out problems.Don't honestly see why they couldn't have bent the rules a bit until although those waiting in the queue had voted - maybe some people are just too law-abiding?? As far as we know the Lib/Dems aren't going to ally themselves with the Labour party - but of course that could all change! Love Mum/Pamxx

  2. Hi there,I have just managed to spend a few minutes online. I have voted for you and it caused a bit of a stir with the lady in charge whose title I cannot spell without my dictionary, anyway she had to look up instructions on people having a proxy vote, but it was sorted out and so voted for the general and local election for you and then went to Millbank and did mine, it felt really good to have all those votes !!! Been reading all the other Blogs and it sounds such a beautiful place and the people sound lovely and friendly. The worship makes me want to experience it and maybe we will !! Will read more before I go to bed. Martha is out with a bit of help. She really does not want to go out at all but prefers to sleep and eat inside if possible.
