Tuesday 4 May 2010

Blogging from Protea Hotel!

Well, we are moved in and we are very happy in our new apartment. It is obviously smaller than Diane and Gavin’s place but big enough for us!
It took two journeys up all the steps to move our stuff! We have managed to accumulate more stuff than we can carry home already!
We re-organised and sorted the place out how we wanted it. Well, I say “we”. Duncan lay on the bed as I put everything in its ‘right’ place! That’s my gifting though – I know where everything is and Duncan knows nothing!!!!
We had our first visitors – Catherine and Colleen and then we shot out to Woolworths (M&S!) to stock the fridge and cupboards.
The views from this place are spectacular as we are higher up and have windows facing in all directions, so we see the brilliant sunrises now as well as sunsets!
There was a bit of a damp smell at first but that is dissipating and we have bought a scented candle that also helps.
Our landlord left us a bottle of wine as some compensation for our inconvenience and will ‘settle up’ at the end of our stay as we have paid for three months.
But we are in!
I am writing this blog as a Word document as we are not able to get on line at the moment so will be sorting that tomorrow, hopefully.
So, our first day in church yesterday. We were there for the 8am service when Andre preached. He was very entertaining and we learnt a lot. The 10.00 service was fantastic as people really got going with the dance straight away. I was awe-struck! The life! The joy! Absolutely fantastic. The worship in Spirit and Truth was flowing and so easy to flow with. If you have a mind and a heart to worship God as he wants to be worshiped it is easy. Accurate worship. Amazing. The ‘known’ song which we sang in both services was “Deep calls unto deep” a Pelser original which we both felt moved by. Aje preached at this service.
Chantal and Aje brought prophetic words to many people in the congregation – myself included, and the word Chantal received for Hilton was so appropriate for our lives too. We found ourselves weeping on many occasions during the services. Duncan spoke to Hilton and asked “Can I give you a hug?” and Hilton said “Yes” and walked across the floor and they hugged for several minutes, both holding very tight to the other. It was a precious moment.
Yvette then hosted us for lunch and another precious moment was when we arrived at her house. Dalton, her 2 year old was sleeping but woke up and when he saw Duncan he immediately reached for him and snuggled into his neck very closely. He looked at Duncan and then snuggled back for several minutes while the rest of us watched, gob-smacked. Duncan was a stranger to Dalton, but not in the spirit!
A quick visit home to get a wash and then back to church for the Workers’ Meeting at 5.30pm. We were planning for the approaching “Overseers’ Conference” and the organisation and willingness of the workers was incredible to behold.
The service was special as we were being visited by about a dozen addicts who had been invited by one of the guys. There was a visiting preacher from Nigeria and at the end of some truly incredible testimony one of the guests gave their life!
What a day! We returned home, ate a light meal and were in bed and asleep by half past ten! Unheard of in the Curry house!
Today, Monday we were in Bible School this morning for Historical Books with Jacqueline and Meditation and Revelation Knowledge with Aje. Incredibly deep teaching but so easily absorbed and there to chew on in the days ahead. This evening Aje is picking us up as he is going to teach The Foundation Course to a Pastor and his wife somewhere local (?) and as we missed doing it with Graham we’re going to attend too.
We are certainly keeping very busy. Have we really only been here for a week?
Hope to have lots of messages when we eventually log on tomorrow. Bye for now XX


  1. Hi there, I've kept looking for more blogs and today Tuesday I was well rewarded. The services sound amazing. I am so glad for you that you are receiving all this and look forward to hearing more and more!
    Today we went to the hospital for Peter to receive laser treatment on his right eye. All went well and he said it did not hurt at all while he was having it done, apart from the rather uncomfortable position! I did drive but he insisted he was O.K so we lunched in Sainsbury's and did the shopping - he is now sleeping in his armchair. However he said that he could see much better as soon as we were walking out of the hospital so it has obviously been beneficial.Paul completed his marathon in Ireland. 26.2 miles!! Pleased your own flat is comfortable and look forward to hearing more - Love from Mum/Pam xx

  2. I've been looking for blogs as well!
    I once knew a chap who never in all his married life knew where the the tea, coffee, or milk was kept! He once ate the plate of scraps for the dog, believing it was his dinner left out, (his beloved wasn't there at the time to put him right, she was out)
    I see great happy times for you both in your abbode, filled with much joy, laughter, and plenty of excercise, running, joging and all sorts of other enerjetic activities to get rid of those excess inches, oh not forgeting the little word No I don't need to eat that!! Said many times as its funny how our mind forgets, and we succume (sp) to temptation.
    Many blessings to you.
    I really enjoy reading these blogs.

  3. Hey i think, I've sorted it now, what i said in the lost comment was, WOW I've actually 'blogged'(spoke too soon there)don't know if this is the right terminology but it will do for me, I need to tell you I did not attempt the cartwheel, far too soon in my blogging career for that kind of celebration as today's experience verifies. After posting the first comment my computer monitor packed in (probably shock) and Phil had to go get a new one, he came back with a wide screen so now you all have really wide smiles and Duncans T-Shirt reads 'CAAAAAAAAAAAAPE TOOOOOOOOOWN'but secretly we know that has nothing to do with wide screen monitors,;0)
    I can hear Duncan saying, "Oh HA-HA very funny" sorry Duncan, but you understand we learned all this wit from Bev.
    Your appartment looks absolutly fantastic we are so pleased for you,it's great to hear how things are going and how quickly you both feel settled there, we love you both very much and will continue in prayer for you, will be in touch again soon (so i don't forget how) love Phil and Ruth.
    P.S. Martha is doing fine and Janet is covered
    top-to-toe in fine white hair!
