Saturday 1 May 2010

Moving Day!

We are anticipating A call from our landlord to tell us we can move into our apartment today. This will mean that accessing the internet will not be as easy and "on tap" as it has been here in Diane and Gavin's apartment. So apologies if our news becomes more sporadic but do, please keep following!


  1. At least you can't possibly have as much luggage now as you did when you moved to Luddenden Foot!
    Enjoy your new flat and we'll speak again when you are able. Love from Mum/Pam and Dad/Peter xxx

  2. hi its Ruth here trying again to get my head around blogging!!!!!!!!!! we got your email, hope you got ours, if i manage to post this i'll be doing a cartwheel accross the room and i don't care if i see dots in the process :0)

  3. Hi Bev, i have no idea what i'm doing wrong just typed you a long reply (for me)and lost it i think, when I tried to post it, it took me to create an account again i'll have about 30 now!!!!!!!!!!!! so i'm trying to post this again...never had this trouble with the Royal Mail, you just lick the envelope put a stamp on it and post it in a red box, but i will not give up, i will try and discover what i did righton the first post! love you Ruth
