Tuesday 18 May 2010

Fun Night!

Let me share with you the fun we had on the last night of the Overcomers’ Conference. So many members of the church joined in and oh how we laughed. Duncan and I did a bit of a dramatic presentation of “The Lion and Albert” and we were warmly received, especially the line about the stick with the horse’s head handle – “The finest that Woolworths could sell!”
Charlene had written a song for the conference and we finished in that – a real high point to finish on.The picture shows Aje drumming with the worship group.
There were several comedy items – Yvette and Louis did a mime which had everyone roaring with laughter but unfortunately they were the act before ours so we were ‘back stage’ and missed it. Apostle Leigh and Eric and Billy and another man whose name I’m afraid I’ve forgotten, did an amazing sketch around the word ‘overcome’ and we were helpless with laughter.
There were three mime artists performing and a beautiful opera singer. There were more acts than I can mention. In the midst of this Andre took the microphone and told us that he felt that we were in the sitting room of God and that God was enjoying our company and our joy. It was such a precious moment, such a precious evening.
Love is the watchword of this church. Jesus is being formed in the people.


  1. What a good night that was. But you and Duncans story was very funny too. Brilliantly done!

  2. Amazing people surrounding you, it is such a joy to share laughter and fun, and we are so glad that you are able to do that as well as the serious studying that is occupying a lot of your time. I'm sure God has a great sense of humour and that He was enjoying His family being so happy together.Love from Mum/Pam xx
