Saturday 15 May 2010

Wonderful, Wonderful

What an incredible conference this has been. We are changed. We have had breakthrough. We are tired! I cannot possibly do justice to the last few days tonight as we are tired after a wonderful, wonderful day. There is so much to tell you but I wanted to leave you with this picture of us with Andre and Nola. They took us on a tour of beauty and the sun shone and shone. This is such a beautiful place. We are so blessed. Will tell you more and more and more.......later.
Thank you Janet for your lovely long e mail. Everyone out here who you met remembers you with great affection and licks their lips at the memory of your food!!
Night night loyal blog-followers. Busy day tomorrow and Andre asked Duncan to preach tomorrow night. So we will be praying for all of you as we know you are praying for us.
God is good! Amen XX


  1. We are so pleased for you that everything you are doing is an additional blessing to both of you - and, I'm sure, to many others also. Hope the preach went well Duncan- don't know how it could not be inspired - but amongst such wonderful people perhaps you were a little anxious,although I am quite sure you had no need to be.God is amazing. Isn't He? Lots of love Pam/Mum xx

  2. Sounds amazing - can't wait to hear all about it when you get a chance :-)
