Monday 31 May 2010

Monday Monday!

We too are all geared up for the World Cup! This was us going out to Bible School this morning. It only took Duncan a couple of hours to ensnood the wing mirrors! Look good don’t they? We were followed by a car sporting the English flag on their wing mirrors. No, didn’t feel guilty! South Africa’s are much prettier!
Duncan is strumming away, preparing for tonight as we are to lead worship as Angie will be revising for her exams and so won’t be coming with us to Muizenburg for the Foundation Course. Resurrection tonight! Magda, one of the students loaned him her guitar; without us even having to ask.
Last night we had an entertainment evening – My Father’s Lounge! The students did extracts from Job, a brilliant Hip-Hop dance and a really effective piece of physical theatre. Other members of the church took part and made us laugh, in the case of Pastor Billy and Hinte; we watched awe-struck as Cherie performed two solo dances for us and were heart-warmed as we watched two groups of very young guitar players show us their talent which Louis is busy teaching them. One young lad’s guitar was bigger than he was but he played with determination and success. The evening finished with a brilliant drum solo by Aje.
We are going out for tea and cake at our landlord’s at 1pm today, so better get sorted out!
Where oh where are your comments my lovely readers? Thanks to those who do comment – they mean a lot to us!

Sunday 30 May 2010

Snapshot of Cape Town 4: Car Wash

Here it happens by hand. A man with a hose and sponge goes around your car while you either leave it at the garage, or sit in and wait. These things are not particularly comfortable in our automated age. Here, things are labour intensive. The petrol, oil and tyres are all checked by someone who isn’t you.
It causes me to feel a number of things at the same time. I’m squeamish with the idea of being served, yet happy at a slower pace of life. I’d rather do it myself, yet enjoy the benefit of community and chat with my fellow man. There is more of a sense here of doing life together. That seems good. Here, service is a part of life which is good if we all take part, not so good, if simply exploited.
I am learning to leave my preconceptions at the door with each new experience. That’s quite relaxing.

Saturday 29 May 2010

And the Winner is.....

Competition Time For All Our Readers!

Today is the first day with our new hire car! We have named it after a book of the Bible. The first person who comments and explains which book they think it is and why will win the prize! E mail us a picture of yourself and you will STAR in the next blog! What a prize eh!?
The first trip in the new car was a stressful experience. We were late (no change there, then I hear you say!) for our hairdressing appointment and Duncan was insistent that we go in the new car and not Nola’s! First problem – getting the doors to open! Second problem – getting the windows to open! Third problem – this automatic has gears 1 and 2 unlike Nola’s which has only 1! So after a few lurches (as I was applying lipstick!!) and discovering that the brakes were a lot keener than Nola’s (!) we eventually made it to our meeting with Catherine at the hairdressers. Duncan and I made friends after we had had our haircuts!
We both enjoyed having our hair done and Catherine sneaked in for a quick wash and blow dry too. At one point she was strutting around in a long blonde wig! Very glam!
The photos show our experience. Cherie was my hairdresser while Catherine and Duncan both had Wanda. We then went to a wonderful lunch with Nola and Yvette in Blouberg on the beach front. Hake and calamari for Duncan and me – gorgeous fresh fish eaten in the sunshine watching the waves! Fantastic.
Life is good and we are very happy. We have been invited to visit Nola this evening too. Lovely to be able to spend time with her.

Dolphin Beach

Just thought I'd show you where we live from the road! This is on our way to pick up Nola and Yvette today as we were going to lunch. More about that later in my next blog!
Also showing you some of the men selling national flags for the up and coming World Cup! We have a South African flag fluttering from our car window! Sorry Jonathan!

Friday 28 May 2010

Roundabouts and Circles!

We had a good morning in Bible School. Marlize who was leading the chapel session asked Duncan if he would share his experiences in the world of drama, both before becoming a Christian and now; how his skills and talents are of use to him in unexpected ways in sharing the Good News of Jesus. He spoke very well. I know I’m bound to say that but seriously, he did and he blessed us all. We then got into 2 groups and prepared a short dramatic presentation. I was with 5 other young women and had the role of Jesus and I just had to hold my arms out and then hug one of the girls as she made a decision to follow me. Wonderful! In the other group Duncan was having his chains removed! It’s amazing the impact that enacting scripture has. We know we did some work in altering the heavenlies this morning and had a lot of fun too.
We are taking delivery of our hire car this evening so we went to the garage to fill Nola’s car up with petrol and have a car wash. Now is that a different experience!! The men fill you up and automatically wash your screen and windows but as we wanted a full car wash we had to drive round the back! He opened the padlock on the gate and we drove through. He hosed the car down, soaped it all over, paying careful attention to the more stubborn marks, then hosed it down and went over it with a chamois leather; he pointed out that one of the back tyres was a bit soft so he put air in that too. It looks really good now – and all for 25 rand – less than £2.50!!
The hire car is also an automatic but a bigger car so we are going to explore next Friday as the students will be doing exams. We are keen to see Somerset West and Gordon’s Bay so they may be our first ports of call. Driving is relatively easy here – or so Duncan tells me! The only difference is at 4 way stops where it’s a “first come, first off” principal so you sort of take it in turns. They also call roundabouts “circles” and traffic lights are “robots”! There seems to be more courtesy on the roads here, though everyone seems to drive faster! The most short-tempered and aggressive drivers have been women in our experience up to now!
We found a fantastic second hand book shop today. Really big and well laid out with seats to sit and enjoy a bit of a read! We each bought a paperback, both in very good condition and if we read and return them to the shop we can get a 30% discount on our next purchases!
Yesterday was very wild and windy and the rain slashed down all evening and night but today is bright and there was a fabulous rainbow over the mountain this morning.I have my washing drying on the balcony!
We entertained Louis, Lowrence and Jenny for tea last night and Jenny Skyped her dad again. They are such wonderful young people and we love having them around.
Then I went to worship practice but unfortunately there were only 4 of us there but I was able to get a bit of personal tuition from Apostle Leigh and his brother, Eric, and one of the drummers, Neil. I could ask any questions and they talked with me over any issue I raised. Cool! There was then a men’s meeting and I came home and chilled watching a rom/com that I had already seen but what the heck! Duncan has booked into the men’s conference and also ordered the tee shirt! Not fair as I won’t be here for the women’s and so won’t get the tee shirt either!
Tonight Duncan has a leaders’ meeting so I will try not to watch any more rom/coms!
I was up early again and praying by candle light at about 3am. When we get up early we use the candles so as not to disturb the sleeping one as there is a glass partition high up in the rafters so the light spills into the bedroom. I was led to read Acts 1 and it clearly dawned on me that Andre really is an apostle. Like Paul and the rest he has had an open vision of Jesus. He has seen and communicated with the risen Christ and in a matter of minutes Christ “downloaded” the details of how HE wants HIS church to be built. Apostle Andre is a foundational one, a sent one, just as Apostle Paul was in the New Testament. When you are in Andre’s presence you know that too. He is like no other man I have ever met. We are looking forward to his return from Ethiopia.

Thursday 27 May 2010

Curries in Cape Town!

A Blog especially for Theresa Davids!!
Thank you for a great Household meeting last night. Using up some of my massive 5K (!) to post this blog!

Skyping Away!

Technology is amazing! Last night we had Jenny round for tea and while I was cooking Duncan was Skyping his mum and dad and they were introduced to Jenny and then Jenny skyped her mum and dad, and as you can see from the picture, Gran (and great Aunt Olive) also got in on the act!
Then we skyped Harry. A lovely time seeing and chatting to our loved ones. And I was able to supervise Harry tidying up his room too! What a tip!
It's great to see him so healthy and happy. He has three triathlons coming up and has to get used to swimming in open water for two of them! He is also really enjoying his rotation with paediatrics. He has always been great with little ones.
We love you, all our families.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Further Thoughts.

Dying to self. I wonder if we understand what that actually means. We are called to die to self and to take up our cross every day and follow Jesus. I’m beginning to realise how much I don’t understand; how much I don’t know; how much I want to know. Dying to self isn’t about letting your husband have the last piece of chocolate cake, although there is a bit of it there. It’s much more profound. If we die to self then we are dead. Dead. Dead people don’t get offended or hurt if they are obeying God and doing His will it will not matter if the world rejects you and says hurtful things. The example that was given in class today by Apostle Leigh: We are supposed to be dead in Christ so we should not care if we are rejected when we bring a rebuke. Offence is sin. You put yourself in 'a fence'. If you are offended then you should repent. A Godly rebuke sorts out all sorts of things in the body, there is awe and an appreciation of the heaviness of God when a rebuke is brought to the body and everyone benefits, not just the recipient of the rebuke. If the rebuke is received. That’s the key; the rebuke must be received. Are we too stubborn and rebellious to understand that we are not all-knowing, all-seeing beings? That we err and need correction in order that Christ be formed in us? I wonder if we would develop much more in God if this truth could be accepted. It is scriptural. First Timothy Chapter 5 verse 20 says: “Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear.” NKJV or “Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning.” NIV. Proverbs 27:5 tells us “Better is open rebuke than love carefully concealed”.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Warning, Warning, Combover Coming!!

Love him to bits though!!
I know he'll get his own back!

Some things to think about...

We bought a string of ‘natchies’ (Oranges) today for 99p! There must be 25 fruit in the bag and they are lovely! It’s’ natchie’ season!
We are home again, our one free night as we do things every other night in the week now. Last night in Muizenburg was another good night of learning and fellowship and the group are really coming together now that we are getting to know each other.
Here’s a thought – If you are concerned about what you don’t have think if you are really using what you do.
Here’s another thought – do you ever use the expression “God moves in mysterious ways”? I know I do. Well, if we think that God moves in mysterious ways, perhaps we don’t know Him.
We have been doing a lot of thinking about, and considering, family. We were asked to consider these three questions:
• What value do you add to your family?
• What value do you add at your work?
• What value do you add to the church?
I think this is an interesting exercise when you are considering your measure of faith.
Today we have had Church Management and as Teresa’s daughter was poorly, Louis Delport stood in and did the teaching; and he taught very well. He told us that he has been keen to teach at Bible School for two years and the opportunity only came at 7am this morning. So he emphasised the point that we should always be prepared, keep on reading and studying the Bible and going deeper with God and so when the opportunity arises, often unexpectedly, you will be able to seize it.
Then we had Acts with Marilize as Andre is in Nigeria. We were looking at Acts 23 and 24 and understood a lot more about Paul’s methodology when speaking in his own defence before the Saducees and the Pharisees. He looked them in the eye “earnestly”. These big boys were out to kill him, plotting his death as they spoke, yet Paul knew he had the Holy Spirit with him and that he had the truth. If you know the word and that the living God is with you then you can look anyone in the eye.
On our way home we called in to see Nola as she returned from Pretoria last night. It was so lovely to see her again and we had tea and she told us about the challenges of her trip. She is a wonderful and powerful woman of God and her prophecies are so accurate. She said at one point: “I am tired of churches playing games. This is serious.” Amen to that. She was a great encouragement to us and helped us to put some of our thoughts into perspective. I love spending time with her. I could sit in a room and not say a word, and be content to be there with her.
Then Woolworths for supplies. We are having Jenny for tea tomorrow before Households; she will be able to Skype her mum and dad while she is here. Then on Thursday we are having Louis, Jenny and Louwrence (sp) for tea before Worship practice. Friday Duncan will be out and I will be home alone as the leaders’ meetings are resuming with Aje at the helm in Andre’s absence. Catherine is trying to book us hair appointments with her hairdresser on Saturday morning as we are both desperately in need of a cut (I think Duncan is doing a bit of a ‘comb-over’ these days – all due to the ‘Overcombers’ conference no doubt! (Joke included courtesy of prophet Leigh Collins!!). Then we will go to lunch together all being well. Waldemar, our landlord and his wife have invited us to tea and cake on Saturday too. Waldemar says his wife makes the best cake in Cape Town! Looking forward to that!! Yum yum! Duncan, bless him, says he doubts it! He’s my hero and my champion! The captain of my shipwreck but that’s another story and another song – Neil Diamond we salute you!
That will bring us nicely round to Sunday again.
We are getting to the beach for the odd walk and we do have time to stop and stare. We are learning to ‘just be’ within the busyness of our life here. We are content.
The next blog should be avoided by those of a nervous disposition – it contains photographic evidence of the combover!!!!!

Sunday 23 May 2010

One Month Anniversary!

Great church again this morning. I think I’ll stop writing that as I am sure you are taking it as read. If it’s Sunday, we will have had church and church will have been great! Amen.
I feel so free in the dance now. God works through the dance. As you praise Him with your whole body He works on you and you get closer to Him somehow. This morning Yvette was leading communion and asked people in her area if they had any testimonies to share, so both Duncan and I shared about our experience of the dance and the liberation we both feel. We were both drawn into the dance, enticed in Duncan’s case and twirled and catapulted in my case. As I explained in my testimony, as a large lady who can be very self-conscious, I was reluctant to join in though I danced in my seat – seat land, as I may have explained before. And really, that’s the whole point – self-consciousness. When you concentrate on praising God and take your focus off self it’s a very different experience and you realise that actually, no-one is watching you and your wobbly bits, well certainly not in a negative way, but they are worshiping God and God is loving it! So get out there and dance before the Lord and know His pleasure at your dance.
Aje preached at the 10am service and commended the church for everything they had done and been during the ‘Overcomers’ conference. He does preach well. He read from the parable of the talents and said we must use the resources and talents God has given us and He will repay 10 fold. He commended the church for doing just that. He spoke about shifting our mindsets and encouraged the church that God would say: “Well done good servants. I now give you authority over 10 cities.” It is a very exciting time to be here. We are continually overcoming and realising that nothing can separate us from the love of God.
We went to Mugg and Bean for lunch today.It was planned today, not just a coffee and see how we feel when we see the menu! We had the local dish Bobotie and realised that I had cooked bobotie on my 40th birthday when we had an all day party at School Street! My, my. I was cooking South African food 15 years ago without realising it! We also were introduced to Mrs H.S. Ball’s Original Recipe Chutney and liked it so much we immediately went out and bought some!
Now we are sitting in the sunshine and preparing to go to the 6.30 service.

When we arrived home there was a board outside the apartments advertising a “Show home” which was open for viewing so we went to have a nosey! Absolutely beautiful apartment – 3 beds, 2 bathrooms and garden areas and patios. Sea view but the cabanas blocked the view of the mountain. Well out of our price range but we met a nice man and it was good to have a look!
So, I look forward to hearing from you all and trust you are having a great Sunday too. Enjoy your English sunshine! Love from us both XX

Friday 21 May 2010

Exchange 4 Free!

There is a town here called Nigel!
Can you believe it. We were on the way to the school in Bellville where the students put on two performances of Job this morning, and our driver, Verner (sp?) told us.
The school has 250 (approx) pupils with a variety of special needs; The students performed for the younger children and then for the 14-18 year olds. They were amazing and many came forward for salvation and prayer at the end of each session. They were all completely enraptured by the performance. It had been well worth getting up at 5am!
Between performances the school were selling burgers and Pastor Billy treated us to one each and they were really yummy!
Back to Cape Town and a reviving coffee for Duncan in Mugg and Bean and a strawberry frappe for me as suggested by the lovely Canadian waitress we are getting to know quite well now. Then, inevitably we also had something to eat! Yet another burger for Duncan and a chicken Caeser salad for me! Shopping for tomorrow’s braai came next – we wanted Chantal and Aje to eat with us but their house and built-in braai was the best venue for this – and also we can all be babysitters! Then back home to Dolphin Beach.
While I sat in the glorious sunshine on our balcony, Duncan sorted out the payment through Exchange 4 Free for our hire car which we will be getting next Friday. He did all “the accounts” which is no mean achievement over here when he has to talk to banks in UK! So well done that man! I am proud of him – so I won’t post the photo of his expanding waistline that I took a few minutes ago! (Later, later!)
The Leaders’ meeting is cancelled this evening as Andre is away and I think Duncan is pleased to have an evening in after our early start.
We have skyped Graham today for a bit of help with the Exchange 4 Free transaction and will be skyping again later when Annie is in.
Thank you Janet, Graham and Pam for your comments – keep them coming.
We will have been here a month on Sunday! Can you believe it?

Thursday 20 May 2010

Getting on with things!

Just returned from Worship practice where we all gave feedback about the Conference, how we had overcome and grown in God throughout the week. Then we were talking about the production of a CD of the worship songs that members of the group had written and it’s going to be very exciting journeying with them as this production comes into being.
Duncan is making bacon sandwiches for us as we haven’t had tea yet!
Today after Bible School we went to Canal Walk and did a bit of shopping and then came back and Duncan had a conference Skype with his Uncle David in Las Vegas and his mum in Dewsbury! Technology never ceases to amaze us.
The weather today has been stunning again – bright sun and not much wind, though the nights are drawing in.
Tomorrow the Bible students (that’s us!) are going into a special needs school to perform the extract from Job again. We have to meet at church at 6am so that will mean getting up at 5 at the latest. Then I’ll have a night in on my own as Duncan will be going to the leaders’ meeting in the evening. Saturday we are having a braai at Chantal and Aje’s – that will be lovely as we tend not to see much of Chantal. Samson, one of the Bible students is coming too. He is from Mozambique and has one of the widest smiles I have ever seen.
Mmmmm. Contentment is wonderful. We are very tired, we are very challenged on a number of fronts but we are very happy and contented as we know we are in the perfect will of God. That is the thing you know – God has a perfect will for your life, not just any old will, any old way of serving him. Ask Him to reveal it to you and then go, go, go!
Must go, bacon sandwich calling!
The picture was one taken when we went for our walk on our beach! Awesome. This is the most beautiful place on earth!

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Snapshots of Cape Town 3

We have come to the most beautiful place on earth. Table Mountain under blue skies, sunsets, and skirted with clouds. The beach, the space and the sunshine all give us a sense of the Lord God wooing us.
On Saturday we drove up the coast with our friends to Camps Bay, the waves rolling in, stunning and constant. Above us, Table Mountain, hidden by angles and only the Lion’s Head visible. Clear sun against powerful waves, too erratic for any surfer. This is God’s romancing of us.
Through Cape Town, the contrast of architecture, old and new, urban and natural environment. Painted coloured houses, clean and individual against the skyline.
The World Cup stadium like a fruit bowl, I think. Beverly thinks like a paper lantern.
On Mondays, a night drive to Muizenberg. The darkness of the city where every kilometre reduces in wealth down to corrugated shanty towns. The late night shops where prostitutes have their patch, every few blocks and where men cook under the motorway arch on a brazier. It’s a city of contrast. Here, there is no welfare system to disguise social difference. Here, the poor beg, but there is generosity and kindness, too.
On the wall of the school canteen with Falkirt and his wife, I study a poster sized photo of Cape Town. Shot from a plane, the lens embraces all the details and grandeur of the town at the foot of a continent. Twelve Apostles, Signal Hill, Duncan Dock, Stellenbosch and beyond into the vineyards. At night, the lights come as high as they dare around the mountain and the lighthouses warn shipping which queues patiently to get into the dock.
In Woolworths, you are in M&S except every so often in the food aisle, there are things missing: cumin, one day, mayonnaise and your favourite wine the next. In Mugg and Bean, the bottomless coffee has run dry because they have no water. The whole mall is off, says the waiter, with an apologetic smile. He is called Knowledge. That’s all right, we say. Don’t worry.
Climbing the stairs to our flat, I talk to a lady carrying washing. ‘Warm today.’ ‘No, cold.’
It all depends where you come from.

Fun Night!

Let me share with you the fun we had on the last night of the Overcomers’ Conference. So many members of the church joined in and oh how we laughed. Duncan and I did a bit of a dramatic presentation of “The Lion and Albert” and we were warmly received, especially the line about the stick with the horse’s head handle – “The finest that Woolworths could sell!”
Charlene had written a song for the conference and we finished in that – a real high point to finish on.The picture shows Aje drumming with the worship group.
There were several comedy items – Yvette and Louis did a mime which had everyone roaring with laughter but unfortunately they were the act before ours so we were ‘back stage’ and missed it. Apostle Leigh and Eric and Billy and another man whose name I’m afraid I’ve forgotten, did an amazing sketch around the word ‘overcome’ and we were helpless with laughter.
There were three mime artists performing and a beautiful opera singer. There were more acts than I can mention. In the midst of this Andre took the microphone and told us that he felt that we were in the sitting room of God and that God was enjoying our company and our joy. It was such a precious moment, such a precious evening.
Love is the watchword of this church. Jesus is being formed in the people.

Duncan's First Preach

Duncan preached on Sunday night; he spoke on righteousness and being who we are in Christ. He shared a part of our testimony. God is and was speaking to us in dreams and one very impactful dream Duncan had was about him being in Harvester Church, preaching in his pyjamas and dressing gown! So it seemed fitting that his first preach here he was attired in the said dressing gown and slippers! His preach was short and impactful and there was a bit where I joined him to talk/sing about the worship in Sowerby Bridge and how God had really been in it, and had spoken through it. The preach was warmly received and so was my bit! To be received and loved is wonderful

Tuesday, Week Four

Seems a long time since I last blogged; I think I’m suffering from withdrawal!

Tuesday today and we have been in Bible School this morning. Derrick taught us first session – Church Management and he was dealing with Time Management. Us retired people have soooooooo much time! Hah! I’ve never been so busy – or so happy.

I can see Pam nodding as she reads! Talking of Pam (and Pete, of course!) they really are amazing. I listen to them talking to Duncan on Skype and have the occasional comment myself, despite the insults of my Father-in-Law! I should call him my Father- in-Grace as this would be the correct title for us now we are no longer under the law but under grace! Good title for Pete too – I do need a lot of grace......!!!

Anyway, back to Pam and Pete! They are into their seventies, well into, in Pete’s case, (!) yet they have embraced so many new things. As soon as they knew we were coming over here they were buying web cams (even though they probably had no clue what they were actually buying!) and sorting out the Skype connection and it’s brilliant! It makes all the difference to be able to chat and see each other. So we salute you Elder Curries. Well done both!

Today’s picture is of the box of oranges we bought in Woolworth’s this morning. £2.50 ish for the box! Don’t they look lovely?! Duncan’s just had one and says they taste lovely too. Glad he waited until after their photo-call!

We then had Acts with Apostle Andre. He is an amazing teacher and can leave you absolutely astounded at the power and the love of God. We have never known anyone like him. Being in the same room with him brings you peace. He has experienced so much and can find a story to support any teaching point he wants to make and it is all the more memorable for it.

We were studying Acts 22 and he emphasised the opening: “As I journeyed...” and made the point that every journey away from home, away from your comfort zone, enables you to get to know yourself better. You find out who you really are. That is so true and we are experiencing just that as we are travelling in week four over here now.

He told us of his experiences of hearing the audible voice of God. We were awe struck and almost with him in his bedroom as he described the occasion. He advised us that if we desire to hear the audible voice of God ourselves then we must speak to God and tell him, but that we should have a purpose. He said “God doesn’t have time to have tea with you; he’s busy running the universe!” He then added: “The more I do for God, the more God wants to talk to me.”

I think that too often we go to God in prayer with our shopping list, and that’s ok but that’s not all. We are called to be accurate. Being in Bible School makes us want to read and study the Bible more and more. God speaks through our open Bible so the more we read the more we will hear God.

We are not very good at our memory verses from doctrine and we have to make a plan in that area! We finished the class feeling sorry for poor old Ananias. Imagine having been given this prophetic word for Saul, now Paul, the killer and persecutor of Christians. “Oh, hi, Saul, oh, I mean Paul. Hope you’re having a good day. Oh and by the way you are going to sooooooooooo suffer for the gospel. Cup of tea?”

We have to read the scriptures and try to see and understand what must have been in the minds of the people in the stories!

On Monday we had Bible School in the morning and then a goodbye visit to Graham at Andre’s before our Foundation Course in Muizenberg. Graham should have flown at 11.55pm but because of the ash cloud he departed at 6 this morning. He is still travelling as I type. It was lovely to spend time with him here; Annie and Ben were sorely missed. We look forward to a time when we can all be together in this wonderful place. Annie and Graham return at the end of July for 5 weeks and I think Annie must be counting the days!

On Sunday we were taken to a winery for our lunch! This was our first trip to a vineyard – Bloemendal Wine Estate in Durbanville, for those who want to look it up on Google Earth. We started out as 6 people and by the end of the meal there were 18 of us – all from church except for 2 visitors. They just kept attaching more and more tables!

There was a Karaoke bloke and then some jazz musicians joined him and that was lovely. We sat on the terrace in the sunshine and had a carvery. We had creamed butternut squash soup and then lamb in honey and rosemary and pork in an equally delicious sauce, served with rice and stir fried veg. And it was all help yourself. As much soup, meat, veg, rice and pudding as you wanted! Not just a bottomless custard jug – but a bottomless pudding! Dale and Charlene were discussing wine with us and said that they usually drink red but that the 1997 Sauvignon Blanc grape had been particularly good and that the white wine was delicious! At the end of the meal they presented us with a bottle of red and one of white to take away and try. They were all boxed up beautifully. Of course, it goes without saying that we were not allowed to pay for our meal! This church is amazing. I keep expecting for the honeymoon period to be over and the cracks to begin to show through, but when a crack appears it just exposes more and more love. This is how church should be. Everyone would want to be in church if they were all like this!

I am going to write a separate blog on the conference I think, as there is much to say there too.

Tonight we have a night in and it is a lovely, sunny day and we are enjoying ourselves chilling. Tomorrow we have Bible School and then Households in the evening. On Thursday I have been invited to Worship practice to introduce some of the songs to the worship team! Exciting. Nola said she wanted me to teach them (!!) “I Will Proclaim Your Righteousness”! I am so looking forward to hearing Aje on the drums and Jean-Pierre on bass and a keyboard playing too. As well as lots of voices and other guitars!

We are having a braai with Aje and Chantal on Saturday lunchtime and then we will be back to Sunday again! Nola is in Pretoria until next Monday with Mimie and also visiting family and ministering in three different churches. Andre goes to Nigeria and then Ethiopia on Wednesday and will be away for 19 days. He has to fly to Johannesburg then to Nigeria, then from Nigeria back to Johannesburg to fly up to Ethiopia!

We will miss him.

So, after the Overcomers’ Conference and all our visitors, this week seems a little quieter – but that’s nice. Speaking of quiet – it has also been very quiet on my ‘Followers’ front.

Look forward to hearing from you soon. Going for a walk on our beach now! Can’t believe I can write that and that we are actually going to do it! Thank you, Jesus. XX

Saturday 15 May 2010

Wonderful, Wonderful

What an incredible conference this has been. We are changed. We have had breakthrough. We are tired! I cannot possibly do justice to the last few days tonight as we are tired after a wonderful, wonderful day. There is so much to tell you but I wanted to leave you with this picture of us with Andre and Nola. They took us on a tour of beauty and the sun shone and shone. This is such a beautiful place. We are so blessed. Will tell you more and more and more.......later.
Thank you Janet for your lovely long e mail. Everyone out here who you met remembers you with great affection and licks their lips at the memory of your food!!
Night night loyal blog-followers. Busy day tomorrow and Andre asked Duncan to preach tomorrow night. So we will be praying for all of you as we know you are praying for us.
God is good! Amen XX

Friday 14 May 2010

Friday Already!

Friday is here already; time seems to be flying by. Chapel this morning and Pastor Stephen John from Pretoria spoke to us and it was amazing that his testimony so matched ours! We then had a session on the Psalms with Apostle Aje and he brought some insightful teaching on the prophetic which was another ‘Bing!’ light bulb moment for us both and we understood things of the past with real clarity.
We went to the garage to fill up with petrol – that was a new experience as 5 garage boys leapt to attention: one filled the tank another 2 washed the windows at the front, yet another washed the back windows and a fifth gave us 2 South African flags! We were well chuffed!
We then went to Corbus’ house to meet with him and Prophet Dave Turner, the one from Maine, USA who had a word for us. I love Corbus’ house and all of his furniture. That man has such good taste and such an eye for placement. I really enjoyed talking about food and cooking with him and he gave me a few ideas on how to cook and serve ‘Pap’ and which sauces go well with it. Up to now we have only had tomato and onion sauce but we were delighted to know that chacalaca sauce is also good with it. Duncan LOVES chacalaca and can’t get enough of it since he sampled it on his sausage at Mugg and Bean (obviously!). So we made a plan and I think we are going round there for a braai tomorrow before the evening meeting. Yum! (‘Make a plan’ is an oft-used expression out here!)
Yesterday we had college in the morning and then Prophet Graham spoke to us and ministered in the prophetic at the end of the morning. God was powerfully there and there were many prophetic words given and pictures were flowing. We then took Jenny and Graham to re-acquaint, in Graham’s case, with Mugg and Bean for lunch. Dropped Jenny off at Chantal’s and then Graham spent a time with us before returning to Nola and Andre’s for tea.
The evening service was a different experience again. Yvette lead worship and it was awesome. The way she can “La la” sends shivers down my spine. She can communicate more in a La La than most of us can say in a whole paragraph!
Prophet Dave than preached on the marriage covenant and the man’s covering of his wife and the desire of his wife being empowering for the man. That is obviously simplifying it but the meeting culminated in a rugby scrum to display body and it was a powerful spectacle to behold. Shame that poor old Duncan fell and grazed his knee in the charge. Aje said that we should rather call it an
OverSCRUmmer’s conference! Witty eh?!
So Duncan is having a nap and I am catching up on e mails. Harry is a follower now and I am so pleased! So had to e mail him. Also, thanks, Nicki and Lucy for communications and will e mail you too soon. Janice, thank you for the e mail. Will reply properly soon.
Another meeting tonight and we are having Apostle Jan from Citrusdal (sp?) to speak. We met him at the Summit last year and are looking forward to seeing him again.
Tomorrow we have a Ministry session at 9am till 1 and then the braai, weather permitting, then another meeting tomorrow night.
Our landlord has been round with a workman today to measure the wardrobe doors which were spoilt in the flood so we will be completely repaired next week some time!
So I’ll sign off for now and post the blog before Duncan wakes up and stops me using the photo I’ve just taken!
Keep reading and commenting, my lovely followers! XX

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Snapshots 2

We find somewhere that has mirror snoods. I go to the counter and profer a R200 note. I have to ask the lady an embarrassing three times what she is saying to me. She is asking if I have anything smaller because they’re not accepting R200 notes. I begin to look for smaller notes when another customer who’s had a bit longer to process the information than me begins objecting on my behalf.
‘You can’t do that. It’s legal tender. You can’t refuse to accept money. It’s the currency of South Africa.’
An argument ensues about forgeries and an e mail from head office. The man says it’s each person’s responsibility to check the genuineness of the money they’re given. They need an ultra violet scanner or special pen. I am silent, but I am agreeing with the logic of his argument.
In the end she accepts my R200 note.
I bore Beverly afterwards with a monologue about it all. What’s the point of being in business if you’re refusing sales? Perhaps, I should have put the mirror snoods back on the shelf and taken my R200 note to someone who wanted it?
I could have said, ‘We’ll this note came from Sainsbury’s, England. I think you’re pretty safe with this one!’
Later, someone else tells me the story about forged R200 notes flooding the country and people being put in jail if they were found with one.
There’s logic for you!


Graham is Here!
I feel overwhelmed by all of your comments. Thank you!
The blog is becoming so important and I know that I would never have kept such a record on paper. Also, I know that not many of you would have been able to, or had the tenacity to, read a three month account at one reading! So I know that a day by day account is the most useful. I was blessed by Christa’s comment and see that what I write also inspires the church we are with! Hallelujah!
We have had another busy and quite stressful day sorting out the iburst (!) but the highlight was that we had an hour with Prophet Graham. He is here for the Overcomers’ Conference and this is an excellent opportunity to explain how the body works. On Friday at the Band of Brothers meeting, Andre casually said that it would be good if Prophet Graham were here for the conference. The men are so close to the beating of Andre’s heart that they organised, on the spot, for Prophet Graham to come. He was contacted and told that his ticket had been paid (by the contributions from the men) and he is here for the week. He heard this on Saturday and flew on Monday! Amazing body work! It was so good to see him and we had a great hour eating cashew nuts and talking around Nola’s dining table. We had had two sessions in college and Nola and Graham were still in dressing gowns!! I don’t know! Slack or what!
Last night we had another excellent session in Muisenburg on the Foundation Course. We are feeling that Falkurt (pictured) and his wife, Melise are becoming friends and we wonder what God is planning there.
We went to Canal Walk to sort out the internet, as I said, and have a bit of time in Woolworths! It is so incredible that I can shop like I did at home! We didn’t get lost on the way home this time.
Chilli for tea with cooling natural yogurt! Christa has given me a few tips about cooking chilli for which I am very grateful!
The weather continues to be stormy and rainy. We may be going into school with Job and the students again next Friday! Excellent – we will keep you posted.
Overcomers tomorrow. Exciting times ahead.
We send our love to all of our friends who are reading and commenting. Janet, we love you and we agree that Martha does think she is a dog! Sorry we didn’t warn you what you were taking on there!
Will write again tomorrow – hopefully from our apartment as we hope to be on line here tomorrow!
Night night and God Bless you all XX

Snapshots of Cape Town 1

Snapshots of Cape Town 1. 11/05/10
From our window, we see a big ship which has been grounded for months. The waves are busy about the stern and we wonder how much longer it will remain afloat.
The tugboat emerges from the harbour and pulls alongside a container ship. We see how big the container ship is by the perspective of the smaller vessel.
We look again and the smaller boat has gone.
‘It’s tuggered-off, Beverly,’ says. I laugh a long time at this one.
This morning, the traffic to the church was slowed to a crawl as a bus had broken down on the main road reducing the traffic to one lane. This gives us time to see a couple of cars decorated with South African flags for the football. They are stretchy flags over the external mirrors and we want some immediately. Beverly christens them: ‘mirror snoods.’
After Bible class, we drive with Andre to his house and have tea with Nola and Graham, newly landed from England. It’s so lovely to see him. We sit alongside spiritual giants.
We navigate our careful way to Canal Walk. The route is lovely with the mixtures of Cape Town: traffic, colour, palm trees, beautiful buildings, Mercedes building with its big logo on the roof and Table, closer here, but hiding in the clouds today.
We go in the mirrored lift to the top floor of the shopping centre. There are six people, but it’s like being with a football crowd.
In the offices of Iburst, the internet provider, the helpful lady lets me use her computer to download a bank statement from First Direct which we need to prove our credit worthiness. She is happy to accept our Luddendenfoot address in England as our main place of residence.
Coffees at Mugg and Bean. Woolworths. Checkers for chakalaka. (Tomato and onion dressing.) Yum! Hot and spicy. Nicey!
We go looking for mirror snoods, but they have sold out. We find instead some very long postcards for sending home and a key ring.
The manager of the Christian bookshop in Canal Walk goes to Hillsongs, Cape Town. They are dreaming of having the football stadium after the world cup for services. It is a dramatic venue.
We sit in traffic behind an estate car with its rear window up. A group of Africans share a cigarette inside. Next to us is a pick-up with another group of road workers in the back. Hooded and cold, they joke with one another, swap insults and pretend to start a fight with the group in the car. They vie for position with one another as the traffic shuffles down to Paddocks.
Home and a Michael Douglas film you’d expect to see screened at 10pm is on at 5.30pm.
Sky News and the sound is not lip-synched for some reason. It gives the hung parliament a special quality of delay.
I go to post the blog in the hotel lobby. It’s decorated now with flags of every country. The South African one is on the wall behind reception, the receptionist in yellow jersey. Not long now until kick-off.

Monday 10 May 2010

Week Three Begins

Hello everyone and I’m sorry we haven’t been in touch for a couple of days. Mainly because we’ve been a bit poorly and we have also had a lot to get done! We have now sorted the mobiles and have sorted out our rental car. The man came to see us on Saturday and received the deposit and we will have a pretty smart car on May 28th. Nola is fine with us having hers until then so we are sorted on the wheels front!
The cold has begun to recede and we are coming out the other side of it! The wind has a lot to answer for and I’m not talking flatulence here! Quite a few people have been laid low and church was missing Apostle Leigh and Prophet Lynette yesterday as they too are suffering.
Duncan has just returned with an iBurst modem (??!!***+@@##). Apparently it will help us to receive in the apartment instead of going to the hotel. But we have to go and get something installed at Canal Walk before we can get on line (*&@@@!!!!**?????). As you can see, my technical knowhow is really improving here in Cape Town!!! Oh Graham I am so in awe of your knowledge! (Stop it, Beverly, do not let this become an idol!!!! Rebuke that thought! )
We had another awesome day in church yesterday. Apostle Andre preached on Holiness at the morning services and although he preached at both the 8am and 10am services he was able to bring different things to the fore in each, and even brought different anecdotes that made us laugh and laugh! The worship was so good. I felt so much release and I wept and wept without really understanding why. I was moved to watch Duncan with the men dancing at the front of church. I didn’t dance yesterday but I will.
We had lunch, a real banquet, with Nola, Andre, Chantal, Aje, Corbus, Prophet David, Jenny, Yvette, Hilton, Cherie, Ethan and Zoe! Sunday lunch of roast lamb, chicken and all the trimmings, for 13!! We spent the afternoon talking in Nola’s upstairs sitting room and my head was so full that I truly understood the phrase “My head hurts!” So many enlightening thoughts. So many light bulbs going on. We will have so much to share when we get home. I find myself freely weeping without any real understanding of why. The tears just pour.
Bible School continues to feed us daily and I never cease to be impressed by how rooted in the Word everyone is here. The Bible School continually takes you to the Bible – Hearing from God through an open Bible is their motto and they do it as a way of life; not just referring to a scripture but quoting it and knowing it; living it. Today’s picture shows Jenny (let’s hear it for Aunty Betty who will be delighted to get another picture of Jenny!) discussing with Duncan what we are going to be doing for our homework! Another question answered, Graham! The class is preparing a talk on aspects of David’s character as seen in his Psalms. We are covering David as a musician (me) and poet (Duncan). I feel quite nervous being on the other side of the desk!
This morning in Historical Books we had very clear revelation of the import of the Godly rebuke. Incredible clarity. Tonight we are going to Muizenburg again with Aje, Eric and Angie for part two of the Foundation Course and we’ve bought some yummy chocolate brownies from Woolworths (M&S) to share over coffee.
Tomorrow we have Bible School then a meeting with Prophet David at Corbus’ place as David has words to share with us.
We are eagerly anticipating the Overcomers’ Conference which is beginning on Wednesday night and going through to Sunday. The visiting speakers have been invited to share in Bible School on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday so that will follow the regular lectures.
Thank you for your comments and e mails. Janet – it’s so nice to hear you are settled and enjoying the books. Don’t let Martha have her own way! You’re the boss! Thank you for going to the trouble to vote for us. We watched bits of the election on Skye TV. It all seems to be a bit of a shambles doesn’t it? No, we haven’t been in the sea yet but it does look inviting and it’s just there, a stride away!
Jean and David we really value your prayers and your love. I’d forgotten about your time in Lanzarote. We do share similar experiences don’t we? Take care and know that we are also praying for you.
Mum and Dad - we will try to get Skype sorted soon.
Chris and Phil – hope you’re not doing too much! Will hopefully be able to Skype you too soon.
So, had better close and get sorted for tonight. I’ve cooked chilli for tea but chilli powder here seems to be peri-peri powder and I’m not sure how hot it is so we may be in for a shock! Hang on to your hats!
Love to you all from us both XXX
PS Ruth and Lucy – have passed CD of “Given Songs” to Nola and Chantal with the ‘explanation’ so will let you know what they say!

Friday 7 May 2010

No Clear Majority!

We watched a bit of the Election programme last night, watched the first counts coming in and the frustrated would-be-voters turned away from the polling stations in Sheffield because of “errors” at 10pm.
We are home from Bible School now and are listening to the first statement from Gordon Brown – arrangements with the Lib-Dems, a Lib/Lab pact?

The country may not be the same one we left!
Just thought we’d let you know that we are still interested – well as much as we ever were! Janet will have voted for us so we did our bit and Emeline Pankhurst can rest in peace.

Ladies' Night!

Well, even though I felt pretty grim I didn’t want to miss the Ladies’ gathering and so was showered and ready for ten to seven when Yvette collected me. Was wearing new Woolworth’s (M&S) jeans that hold in your bum and your tum so obviously looked a size 12! That answers your question, Chris, YES Woolworth’s DO sell clothes!!
There were about 40 of us taking over Cafe 6 in Canal Walk and curious onlookers actually asked Yvette why there were so many women together at the same time! The cafe is owned by a couple in the church so it is very good for their business to have the men and women of the church eating there, as well as being a great witness!
They have a 77 rand menu (about £7) and for that there is a wide choice. I had Cajun chicken burger with salad and chips. It was excellent. A tender piece of chicken breast cooked in Cajun spices with a fresh salad and really nice chips! A big meal too. They do know how to cook and present food out here!
I sat with Jenny, Yvette, Adele (Mourne’s wife) and later Nola joined us and then Beverley, another lovely lady from the church who is celebrating 30 years of marriage on Sunday. She was making us laugh as she told us about her “naughty” husband. “He only ever comes to church when something really bad is happening in his life and then he gets everyone to pray! He’s so naughty!” She obviously adores him, naughty or not!
It is so good to be able to sit and chat to Nola; to look across the table and there she is. She paid me a great compliment last night when she said I very much reminded her of her daughter Yvette; that we both have the same sense of fun and laughter and joy and the same creative spirit! I was well chuffed as I love Yvette to pieces!
Adele is a lovely lady and I was really pleased to be able to get to know her a bit better as on our last visit she had only really appeared in our lives to take us to the airport for our return to the UK so we were both a bit too sad to appreciate her then.
The conversation on the way home was spiritual and uplifting and we were both talking about the amazing things we have seen God doing in our lives and the lives of others; how God is so faithful and how we so depend on the Holy Spirit. Conversations are all on a different level here yet we all laugh and have so much fun and joy too!
As you can see in the photo, (Annie and Graham, especially for you!), Jenny is thriving and doing so well. She is a mature young lady but also has such a keen sense of fun; it was lovely to hear her and Jacqueline giggling away together throughout the meal!
So, it was an excellent evening and it was nice to have been able to give Duncan a bit of space too as we are very much together for everything and in 2 rooms here. So I found him, on my return, making the most of his space – sleeping!!! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
PS Margaret and David – thank you for your e mail and please keep sending! We look forward to seeing your names as “Followers” one day! ‘That will be a miracle,’ I hear you saying!

Thursday 6 May 2010

God's Exclamation Mark!

From the kitchen side of our flat, I watch the newsboys on an early morning, selling papers to the motorists. They are very organised, one wearing luminous orange trousers and hooded jacket. The light of his headtorch shines through early Cape Town traffic like the cars themselves. As we return from Bible class, there are two Africans crouching under a big brolly while repairing one of the carpark booms, or barriers as we’d say in England.
Dolphin Beach Hotel and Paddocks Shopping Centre smell of new paint and turps at the moment. Everything is in a state of preparation for the world’s visitors to the World Cup 2010. From the lounge side of our flat, on a clear day, we can see the distinctive oval shaped stadium. It’s an impressive structure of man’s, dwarfed by the more impressive structure of God’s: Table Mountain. Aje described it as God’s exclamation mark at the end of the African continent!
It’s made an appearance today. Lately, it’s been hidden under cloud. It’s quite amazing that such a big piece of rock can be hiding anywhere. There’s the steady drama of big container ships queued to make an entrance to Duncan Dock, which for obvious reasons has my attention.
God went to a lot of trouble to get us here. We feel stunned at everything we see. When the Atlantic Ocean pitches in and the clouds copy the white foam, Table looks its best. Here’s an altar and our thoughts are of the Ten Commandments, Mount Carmel and the Transfiguration all at once. I know none of these stories had the sea around them at the time.
This is just God showing off.


I’ve followed all the little diagrams to put in a new Sim card, in faith because people say that’s cheaper. The phone doesn’t work when I test it by ringing Beverly. I ring MTN (that’s who we’ve ‘migrated’ to now. At first (and second) try, I go round the automated merry-go-round with tons of information I don’t want and some I can’t understand.
Beverly has a listen and tells me to try option 5. She is right, as always, and I finally get through to a person. I explain my plight. She explains what the problem is and I don’t understand her explanation. Take it out. Put it back in. Switch it off. Switch it on. Put in the pin. Pull out the pin and throw the phone through the patio window into the heaving Atlantic Ocean. Hide under the duvet and wait for the explosion of a man on info overload.
She is very patient, though I can tell that her boss is over her shoulder breathing call quotas at her. I slow her down for a second explanation. No, the Sim card number is not the phone number. You need to put in:
* 131*3#.
She says it slowly, then more slowly and loudly, like talking to a deaf man. That does the trick and I with great joy I twig what she’s saying. Bring back the pips and Button A, that’s what I say.


Oh no we’ve got a cold. It got worse as the day progressed yesterday and by tea time we were both sneezing away and feeling really grotty, so we gave our apologies to Derrick and Teresa whose Household we should have joined last night. We got an early night but awoke feeling grim this morning too. I think I have it worse than Duncan and he tried to persuade me to stay in bed this morning but I didn’t want to miss Ephesians with Apostle Aje and Colossians with Marilise (?sp). Both excellent and both used very useful and memorable analogies to teach their points. Marilise drew and eye and had the iris as God, showing us that all the wrong things and distractions in our lives we should turn to God in order to be single-focused and have clear sight as the eye is the lamp of the body with which we set our minds on things above, not on things of the earth. (Colossians 3v2 NKJV).
Apostle Aje drew an elaborate diagram of a gold mine like the one in Jo’berg as he explained to us that by reading and re reading the Word we would mine much ‘ore’ and from this we will glean an ounce of pure gold that will be a word for our lives. When Aje enters the room there is an immediate sense of the gravity of his presence and of what he has to bring and share with us from God.
We are so enjoying the teaching and it feels like we are learning a month’s worth in each session. In the first session Marilise anointed us with oil and all the students prayed for us and laid hands on us for healing. It was so natural.
We then had to buy some tissues so called at Paddocks (pronounced with the definite ‘ocks’ sound over here where we would make it sound more like ‘ucks’! Mugg and Bean drew us (thanks for correct spelling, Graham!) but we did only have coffee this morning.
It was absolutely pouring and we got drenched just getting back to the car! The sun has come out now though (2.20pm) and we can see the mountain for the first time in a few days. Helga, one of the students in class today said that this weather is not normal and that May is usually her favourite month! Have we brought the bad weather with us we wonder?
Duncan is sorting out the phones as I type so we will probably have to let you all know our new number next! There is so much to sort. We have been talking to a man about a car lease this morning but he only has a vehicle from June 1st. We wonder if Nola can spare her car until then?
Thank you all for the comments on the blog and the e mails. I was so excited to read them all. Keep it up. We go along to the hotel with a pre-written blog and a photo ready to upload and then we get all the e mails and frantically copy and paste them into a word document so that we can read them at our leisure in the apartment. This means that there is a delay in reply though, but saves money!
Tonight there is the women’s meal at Cafe 6 at Canal Walk and Yvette is collecting me. The way I feel at the moment I would rather be going to bed but there are a few hours yet and I really don’t want to miss it. Duncan will be home alone with a chicken breast to heat up in the microwave!
Tomorrow night Apostle Andre is doing some ministry teaching with the men so I will have my turn to be home alone! It is a nice home to be in though!
We send our love to you all and you are all in our prayers. It’s exciting to have 19 followers even though 2 of those are my sister. Nicki Berry is reading the blog over in Finland and although she is unable to comment on the blog itself she is sending us comments on e mail! Thanks, Nicki we really appreciate you!
Paul Hudson completed the Belfast Marathon earlier this week. (He started it back in January!!! )
(Ha Ha! No only joking!).
He did really well and with all the dosh he will have raised I can see those pews out and a complete refurbishment of the church on Daisy Hill!
Bye for now from Dolphin Beach, Cape Town, South Africa, The World, The Universe...........!

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Wednesday May 5th 2010

7am rush hour from our Kitchen Window. Traffic made worse by all the road building for the World Cup.
Quick personal note first: Happy Birthday, Greta for yesterday. Hope you had a lovely day. Thank you all for my presents, by the way, the CD is great! If you could pass this on to Greta and Paul, Pam, please, just in case they don’t see it! Thanks!
Hope the Rock is coming on well, Chris and Phil.

We had more amazing teaching this morning but we had worship first led by Charlene – incredible. I had a picture, a very clear picture of the long, snaking line of Israelites approaching the Red Sea. The Sea parted and they went through as I watched. I carried on and I too came to the huge wall of water that was the Red Sea, before me. I looked up and it went on and on as far as I could see before me. The Sea then parted and God said He would have opened it just for me. He was opening it for me and I wasn’t too late as I had feared. I thought it was a word about God’s timing and that He was enabling the impossible to become possible. I was going to share this but we moved on and the first session began with Adele. She said that she wanted to bring a word of encouragement to the group before she began the class. She led us to Deuteronomy 2 and began to talk about the wilderness and that what God had promised He would fulfil His promise for us, He would not give to another what He had promised to us. I was open-mouthed (again). So I then shared my picture and then Lynette said she had been moved by a word about the Red Sea before the service on Sunday and the impossible things becoming possible, and that Colleen was also holding on to a similar word regarding the Red Sea that she had received in the service on Sunday! I was so encouraged that I am really hearing from God.
Another trip to the mall for CDs so we can burn copies of our given songs and pass them on to Nola and Chantal to listen to; and, of course we had to visit Mug and Bean again! Only coffee for me but Himself managed to slip a muffin the size of Blackpool down, along with three cups of the aforesaid bottomless coffee!
We met a young woman selling some deal in the mall who was from Nottingham and had been here three months with her Afrikaans boyfriend. An interesting chat! She was giving it a year to see if she was going to stay for good. Duncan told her about our amazing church and she seemed interested and wanted to know details of where it is! So that’s two people we may see on Sunday. Oh, perhaps I didn’t tell you about the shop assistant in Woolworth’s who Duncan was talking to! She said she would see us on Sunday! I’ll let you know!
Anyone out there who moans about the uniform they have to wear to work – hold your tongues! We saw what must be the worst uniform in the world this morning! Two women were working outside the supermarket, possibly on the road building crew and they were both wearing bright yellow and orange bibs which announced “SOLID WASTE”! I ask you? Goodness knows what their job is? Don’t go there!!
How are the UK airports doing? We saw that Scotland and Northern Ireland were to be closed from 7am today. Is it the same volcano or is it the BIG one erupting I wonder?
The sun is shining again today after a cold, windy and rainy day yesterday. We both seem to have caught colds – Duncan’s is obviously flu though!! I awoke this morning with razor blades in my throat and felt dreadful. I prayed “Lord I don’t want to be ill!” and went back to sleep for half an hour. When I woke again my throat was a bit sore but nothing like it had been! Isn’t He amazing!
I am typing this in the apartment listening to Johnny Clegg! We will be nipping to the hotel to post it in a minute and check our e mails! I do so hope you’ve all written to us!
We have stocked up the “Goody” box with rusks and biscuits in case we have more visitors. It was lovely to see Catherine yesterday and we did laugh! I don’t think we’ve laughed with such abandon for some time.
Hope all is well with you all in England. Glad Dad’s eye op went well. Martha has switched allegiance to Janet as soon as we left as predicted! Fickle cat! It’s lovely to think of Janet running rampant around our bookshelves like “a kid in a sweetshop” as she put it! Enjoy!
Our love to you all and look forward to reading your comments and e mails very soon. XX

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Our New Home

On line again but from the Hotel at the end of our apartment block!
Where are all the messages from my followers I cry! We went on line expectantly and there was only one message. Only one! Mind you, that one was a minor miracle as it was from Ruth Tate, who will be going cartwheels now as her message tells you!!
Come on you people, please write comments to us. They will appear as e mails and we then can read and publish them so it doesn’t matter which blog you comment on!
Into our second week now and settled in well. Bible School is amazing; there is so much to take in and we keep nudging each other and nodding at each other throughout the classes! We have classes on The Book of Acts, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Church Management (VERY interesting!), Meditation and Revelation, Samuel, Saul and David, Colossians, 1, 2, and 3 John and Cults, Religions and Contemporary Errors. Each session lasts 45 minutes and there are 2 sessions every morning. We start at 8.30am and 8am with worship on Monday and Wednesday. This afternoon and evening are free time for us (unusual!).
We have had to do a lot of shopping (shame!!!!) to get ourselves sorted and we have just about got there! There are 4 Woolworth’s stores within easy reach of us! (That’s M&S to us Brits!) In fact, I can see one of them twinkling in the distance as I type this at the breakfast bar. I think you can see the bar in the photo above of our living room.
It is raining today and very windy. The wind is the thing out here and you have to hang on to your car door all the time when getting in and out. Duncan is doing really well with the driving. Not only does he have to negotiate a new country and new place, but also an automatic car and road works all over the place as they get ready for the World Cup!
Last night Aje picked us up and we went with him to begin the Foundation Course with a couple in Muizenberg (sp?). This is on the other side, at False Bay which is on the Indian Ocean. Another couple from church, Angie and Eric came with us and we had a really good night. God gave us words and pictures as we worshiped and we prayed with the couple and it was a very precious time. We are looking forward to going again next Monday.
We have switched allegiance from Costa to Mug and Bean coffee shops. The coffee is very good and they do a “bottomless coffee pot” you just have as many cups as you like! Duncan is very happy, especially as they do it with cream! They also do fantastic food! Yesterday, when we were DEFINITELY NOT having anything to eat, just a coffee, Duncan had bacon and eggs (2, sunny side up!) and all the trimmings and I had a warm, freshly baked scone the size of the Isle of Wight with butter, cream and jam!! Yum yum. Today, when we were ABSOLUTELY DEFINITELY NOT having anything to eat, just a coffee we ended up with a burger with creamy mushrooms and a salad and do you know what, the burger looked exactly like it did in the menu and it was absolutely delicious! The best burger I have ever tasted. Pretty healthy too really, apart from the creamy mushrooms!
As I am typing this – in a Word document again and we’ll cut and paste it into a blog when we go to the hotel – Duncan is typing an e mail so news is getting out again!
Tomorrow we have Bible School and then a free afternoon (I think) then Households in the evening. On Thursday all of us women are going out for fellowship and food at Cafe 66 in Canal Walk. Yvette is picking me up. The men went there last week so it’s our turn this week. These things happen once a month and are very well attended. There were about 35 men out last Thursday!
Signing off now and toddling along to the hotel to upload and post the blog. Hope to hear from you all very soon. We may be buying time at the Mug and Bean so that we can Skype soon too. It’s very long and complicated and has lots of details of megs, gigs, data and time that I neither understand all nor want to understand, but Duncan says that would be the best and easiest way to Skype. So, I believe him and ask for no further explanation!

Blogging from Protea Hotel!

Well, we are moved in and we are very happy in our new apartment. It is obviously smaller than Diane and Gavin’s place but big enough for us!
It took two journeys up all the steps to move our stuff! We have managed to accumulate more stuff than we can carry home already!
We re-organised and sorted the place out how we wanted it. Well, I say “we”. Duncan lay on the bed as I put everything in its ‘right’ place! That’s my gifting though – I know where everything is and Duncan knows nothing!!!!
We had our first visitors – Catherine and Colleen and then we shot out to Woolworths (M&S!) to stock the fridge and cupboards.
The views from this place are spectacular as we are higher up and have windows facing in all directions, so we see the brilliant sunrises now as well as sunsets!
There was a bit of a damp smell at first but that is dissipating and we have bought a scented candle that also helps.
Our landlord left us a bottle of wine as some compensation for our inconvenience and will ‘settle up’ at the end of our stay as we have paid for three months.
But we are in!
I am writing this blog as a Word document as we are not able to get on line at the moment so will be sorting that tomorrow, hopefully.
So, our first day in church yesterday. We were there for the 8am service when Andre preached. He was very entertaining and we learnt a lot. The 10.00 service was fantastic as people really got going with the dance straight away. I was awe-struck! The life! The joy! Absolutely fantastic. The worship in Spirit and Truth was flowing and so easy to flow with. If you have a mind and a heart to worship God as he wants to be worshiped it is easy. Accurate worship. Amazing. The ‘known’ song which we sang in both services was “Deep calls unto deep” a Pelser original which we both felt moved by. Aje preached at this service.
Chantal and Aje brought prophetic words to many people in the congregation – myself included, and the word Chantal received for Hilton was so appropriate for our lives too. We found ourselves weeping on many occasions during the services. Duncan spoke to Hilton and asked “Can I give you a hug?” and Hilton said “Yes” and walked across the floor and they hugged for several minutes, both holding very tight to the other. It was a precious moment.
Yvette then hosted us for lunch and another precious moment was when we arrived at her house. Dalton, her 2 year old was sleeping but woke up and when he saw Duncan he immediately reached for him and snuggled into his neck very closely. He looked at Duncan and then snuggled back for several minutes while the rest of us watched, gob-smacked. Duncan was a stranger to Dalton, but not in the spirit!
A quick visit home to get a wash and then back to church for the Workers’ Meeting at 5.30pm. We were planning for the approaching “Overseers’ Conference” and the organisation and willingness of the workers was incredible to behold.
The service was special as we were being visited by about a dozen addicts who had been invited by one of the guys. There was a visiting preacher from Nigeria and at the end of some truly incredible testimony one of the guests gave their life!
What a day! We returned home, ate a light meal and were in bed and asleep by half past ten! Unheard of in the Curry house!
Today, Monday we were in Bible School this morning for Historical Books with Jacqueline and Meditation and Revelation Knowledge with Aje. Incredibly deep teaching but so easily absorbed and there to chew on in the days ahead. This evening Aje is picking us up as he is going to teach The Foundation Course to a Pastor and his wife somewhere local (?) and as we missed doing it with Graham we’re going to attend too.
We are certainly keeping very busy. Have we really only been here for a week?
Hope to have lots of messages when we eventually log on tomorrow. Bye for now XX

Saturday 1 May 2010

Moving Day!

We are anticipating A call from our landlord to tell us we can move into our apartment today. This will mean that accessing the internet will not be as easy and "on tap" as it has been here in Diane and Gavin's apartment. So apologies if our news becomes more sporadic but do, please keep following!

Missions Night

Last night we had a Missions Night in Church so that Andre and Yvette could share about their recent trip to India. You see them in the photo with Hilton.
The evening began with curry and then we went into the church to watch the edited highlights of all the footage Yvette had taken while they were there. She and Aje had taken many hours producing the final cut, including two occasions where they worked through the night.
The very personal and inimitable style of Yvette Pelser shone through this informative and creative film. We were transported to India and we shared their experience in every detail. Yvette is so funny and we laughed at the helium-voiced Andre as he coached cricket; we laughed as Yvette talked to herself in the hotel room and introduced us to her companions - "wall, bed, flowers, real!" as she wasn't allowed to accompany her Dad to the bar.We laughed at a speeded up film of the two of them as they chased around a station platform and were running across the tracks like naughty school children!
But there was so much more.
We saw, through the lens of the camera, a deep love and compassion for those people who "have nothing but are happy". Andre prayed for a pastor's wife and the camera zoomed in and traced the tears as they trickled down her face. She had been denied a voice and Andre pronounced with great strength that she would operate out of her gifting from now on.
As Andre struggled to speak to us all about these wonderful people he was overcome with emotion and I was once again convinced in my spirit that this is the place we are meant to be, amongst these people who really and authentically seek to do the work of Jesus on earth today. We are honoured and privileged to be here; and we are happy.
Aje asked Duncan to share a few words at the end and he spoke well; briefly he outlined how it was that Harvester Missions came to England and planted the seeds that are growing in our hearts. We were visited in Sowerby Bridge by ten Reformer people. Pharoh was visited with ten plagues before God pronounced that he had had his last chance, as Andre pointed out to us the other day. Thank you Andre, Nola, Mimie, Aje, Chantal, Mourne, Graham, Annie, Ben and Jenny. We are here because of the seeds you planted and your obedience to God.
P.S. Jackie - we will be bringing you a copy of the DVD!