Friday 6 August 2010

We've Got Mail!

This morning we received a lovely letter from a lovely young lady - a letter all the way from Cape Town! Michelle has featured in my blog before now so you may already feel you know her!
She had said she'd written and it arrived today, covered in really pretty stamps as you can see. It was a letter which made us laugh and warmed the cockles of our hearts. We love you Michelle and look forward to seeing you again very soon! Give our love to your Mum, Jacqueline and Daniel!

Oops this is a bit of a give away - Duncan dressed and me still in my dressing gown!


  1. We can all keep it touch with friends and family no matter how far away we actually are from each other. This is a true blessing that computers bring to our lives. However there is nothing quite like receiving a real letter to hold in your hand to read is there? Bless you both - love Mum/Pam xx

  2. Thanks for your comment, Andrew.
