Thursday 12 August 2010

Rain Didn't Stop Play!

We had a Curry Family picnic at Lotherton Hall on Saturday and it was excellent!
The storm clouds were gathering as we drove up the M1 and we doubted the wisdom of the decision to carry on regardless but the rain held off for most of the day and a good time was had by all!
Phil and Stuart brought all the crockery and cutlery - well all except the cups so Duncan sweet-talked a load of paper cups from the cafe!
The wind was just right for kite flying and we lost Mark to another family for a time!
We packed up everything when the rain decided to settle in and stood around talking under umbrellas; then the sun came out and so did all our wet equipment - chairs, tables etc so that they could dry out. We ended up staying at least another hour talking after that and took everything home dry!
The only potential spoiler was that Mark and Elizabeth arrived with a newly made and growing crack in their windscreen but that's all fixed now!
Great day. Thanks Currys. Same time next year?


  1. Gee thanks Beverly!!! Love Mum/Pam xx

  2. Mary Graves came for coffee this morning, she had read your blog and commented that ALL the umberellas were brightly coloured - not a black one among them ! Maybe that says a lot about us all? Love Mum/Pam xx

  3. Glad I'm still being read - and that you've forgiven me for the "Dick and Liddy" photo!!!

  4. Yes -we always like reading your blogs Beverly and if our gear made you laugh that's fine too!!!
