Tuesday 17 August 2010

Memory Lane

On our way back from Birmingham we drive on A roads as I drive home and I don't drive Motorways! So we were on the A38 and couldn't resist calling off when we came to the signs for Findern! Findern village hasn't changed a bit! It's incredible and so beautiful. Why didn't I appreciate it when I lived there?
I stood in the bus shelter that I stood in every morning of my school life at John Port School (well the replacement one but still in the same place!) That bus shelter was, in fact, the centre of our social life in the village in my teenage years!
We saw that Nancy Eccles Hair studio where we all had our hair done for Christine's wedding (1st one that is!)on May 1st (what year Chris?)is still there though now it is called "Picasso"! In fact there are 2 hairdressers in this tiny village!The wedding that took place in Findern village church, also pictured, officiated over by the Reverend Hedges I do believe? Am I right, Chris? The same church that also was the venue for our Dad's funeral not so many years later.
14 Mill Close is not the same! What did they do to Dad's immaculate lawns? In fact Mill Close seems so small now!
We sat outside and as I took the photo above a woman opened the door and asked us what we were doing! "I used to live here when I was a little girl!"
We went to see my primary school which has only marginally changed and I could see myself, sitting on the grass banking with my friends making daisy chains; could see myself running my heart out on the grass track and proudly coming in to bat as the only girl allowed to play cricket with the boys!I could see myself on sports' day, competing in the 'slow bicycle' race and even though I remember thinking that the whole concept was ridiculous, my competitive spirit saw to it that I came in last - which meant that I had won!!
We went on to the Lock House at Stenson where my friend Anne Hibbert used to live;her father was the lock keeper. It's now a cafe but the window I looked through and watched the boats when I had egg and chips for tea with Anne all those years ago, is still there! Yes, Chris, I always did remember what I had eaten! I can even tell you that it was margarine on the bread and not butter!
Incredible. What a lovely place to grow up. Shame I didn't think that at the time and was impatient to leave.


  1. Certainly is a trip down memory lane....how lovely to see those pics.Yes it was the Reverend Hedges...he also christened Debbie shortly after our dad's funeral.....she was 6 months old.I got married in 1971....you were my bridesmaid with a choker!!!!!
    It was a beautiful place to live and you're so right that we didn't appreciate it at all.Can't believe 14 Mill Close....wouldn't have recognised it at all................doesn't look half as nice as it did does it?
    So.....Egg and Chips then????What a memory....even down to the spread on the bread!!!!
    I didn't go to Findern School but I remember you being there and our Mum was a dinner lady wasn't she?
    Oh the good old days....a lifetime ago....good to remember......thank you for that Bev.See you very soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. You're welcome! XX Counting the days!

  3. Wow - we've often passed the sign to Findern on our way north from here. Now we'll have to make a diversion!

  4. It looks a lovely place Beverly- what a good trip down memory lane for you.
    We have often said we should go back to Southall for a look round - but we know it is a very different place to the one we grew up in. Love Mum/Pam xx
