Wednesday 4 August 2010

"Just Lie Completely Still!"

Well that was a surprise. I had an appointment with the doctor this morning about the pain in my shoulders. I had seen him before we went to Cape Town and he had diagnosed torn rotator cuffs (as previously blogged, Thursday 15th April) and said that 3 months in Cape Town may well be a cure in itself. Well, unfortunately it wasn't and the pain has gradually got worse...and worse. My left shoulder and arm are the worst at the moment.
So, this morning the doctor examined me again and the next thing I knew I was having the injection he had spoken about last time. I wasn't expecting him to do it, well not there and then! No problem though, completely painless and if it works I can have the other shoulder done in 2 weeks! So let's pray for complete success so that I can actually dress myself without the agony!
The wonders of modern medicine!

1 comment:

  1. Hope this is successful for you - better done when you weren't getting anxious about it beforehand.
    Love Mum/Pam xx
