Wednesday 25 August 2010

Down Our Way

The car has been making a horrible, though intermittent squeak so we took it to the garage in Mytholmroyd today and walked back, as usual along the canal. It was a beautiful day, though with all the rain we have had of late the tow path was covered in puddles and mud. I decided to take the camera along on the return trip when we went to collect the car and took some shots of the scenery to show our friends in ZA and Turkey!!
We really do live in a beautiful neck of the woods and after my trip down memory lane to Findern a couple of weeks ago I realise that I must really appreciate where I live when I am living there!


  1. Yes Beverly we certainly do live in a beautiful part of England and everywhere is fairly accessible too, especially if you can walk well. These are great pictures - love Mum/Pam xx

  2. The last picture looks like Duncan is posing for a clothes catalogue photo. Classic. Ben x

  3. Yes, see what you mean, Ben! Mr Littlewoods at your service!
