Tuesday 17 August 2010

Catching Up

We had a lovely evening with Jonathan, Rachael, Joel and Ethan yesterday. Joel isn't pictured I'm afraid as he had gone to spend the night at Gran and Grandad's! Ethan is such a star and he entertained us all evening. We had pizzas and the most delicious lemon sponge cake that Rachael had made especially for us! So yummy! Thanks again for a lovely evening; it's so good to share with those on the same frequency!


  1. Don't children grow up fast?Ethan looks very much like Joel looked at his age. Is he like him in character? Is Joel still keen on drums?
    It's good to catch up with old friends isn't it? I am hoping to catch up with my friend June when we go on holiday in October. Love Mum/Pam xx

  2. Hey Pam!! Ethan is 3 in September and while he looks like Joel, he is very different in character and his preferences. Joel is six, still keen on drums...though doesn't play them right now- think they something that will play part of his future. Joel is quiet quiet....with a quirky sense of humour...very like Jonathan...sporty loves running and football.
    Ethan is cheeky and fun to be around...knows what he wants! He likes role play,is very imaginative...more so than Joel at the same age....LOVES horses and is just getting into his grandad's cowboy films! Most of all they look after each other...Joel is protective toward Ethan and they are good friends! LONG MAY IT CONTINUE!! Bless you Pam!

  3. Thanks for the up-date on your boys- Duncan was always very protective of Mark but didn't get along so well with Philip - you can't win them all! However they are still concerned for one another although they are all very different.Hope the friendship your boys have will continue through their lives. Love Pam x
