Monday 30 August 2010

My Pantry!

I LOVE having a pantry! When we first moved in it was full of things that we didn't have room for and so when we had the kitchen done and were able to re-organise I was delighted to reclaim a pantry. Duncan put up shelves, lights and little hooky things and my spice collection also lives in there. My recipe books, as you can see, have their own shelf too.
I love my recipe books - all of them, and can read them like a good novel, especially Nigel Slater's. Although I have moved on to Nigel and Nigella I could never forget Delia. I will always be grateful for Delia Smith and she will always have a special place in my heart. I still say that her recipe for "All-in-one Victoria Sponge Cake is the best and the easiest there is. It never fails and is especially good made with wholemeal self-raising flour!
PS The sweety jars are for Duncan! He has a passion for Wine Gums!


Duncan went up on the wall behind our house and went to war with the ferns that have gone mad up there because of all the rain! It isn't our land, but Dennis who lives behind us, is only too pleased that we tackle it and clear it out occasionally as he can't get down to it very easily!
When we first moved in we were amazed to see that the space just outside our kitchen window was filled with daffodils which came out as a real surprise for us in the spring. We were so touched by this kindness; Dennis and his wife had planted them for us and they had not even met us at that point! Good neighbours eh!
With all the weeds gone (for now!) there is much more light in the kitchen! Lovely. We do live in a lovely house!


I put a load of photos of Harry on Face book so friends in South Africa can see what he looks like! I didn't take any of them, they were all from his Albums so I hope he doesn't mind! Still, as Duncan is always telling me - it's in the public domain when it appears on Face book!
(He does look good though doesn't he?!) Sorry again, Harry!!

Saturday 28 August 2010


All gone for the sun! Michael cuts very well and we decided it all had to go yesterday in readiness for our hols. I love the fact that in 2 minutes it's dry and feels so cool! Michelle advised against having it all cut off so I hope she will forgive me!! It will always grow!

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Down Our Way

The car has been making a horrible, though intermittent squeak so we took it to the garage in Mytholmroyd today and walked back, as usual along the canal. It was a beautiful day, though with all the rain we have had of late the tow path was covered in puddles and mud. I decided to take the camera along on the return trip when we went to collect the car and took some shots of the scenery to show our friends in ZA and Turkey!!
We really do live in a beautiful neck of the woods and after my trip down memory lane to Findern a couple of weeks ago I realise that I must really appreciate where I live when I am living there!

Monday 23 August 2010

Archive Shots!

Here's a couple of Golden Oldies which Harry may not thank me for! These were taken at Duncan's 40th birthday party. The photos are a bit grainy because we took them from the TV screen from the video which Mark shot on the day!

Headline News...100% Increase in Church Attendance!

Yes, we had 100% increase yesterday as we lead Birmingham Harvester in Graham and Annie's absence. Well, I suppose I should say that George and William had returned from holiday and that Pam and Pete came with us for a visit, but nevertheless, it was very exciting to have a full house!
George lead the worship and we were impacted by words from God given through Pam, Duncan and myself and Duncan spoke well from Hebrews on the Old and New Covenants.
Chocolates and coffee followed and then we went to a Harvester (of course!) restaurant for lunch with Katie and Mary, before returning home! A tiring but excellent day. We love being a part of this church!

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Catching Up

We had a lovely evening with Jonathan, Rachael, Joel and Ethan yesterday. Joel isn't pictured I'm afraid as he had gone to spend the night at Gran and Grandad's! Ethan is such a star and he entertained us all evening. We had pizzas and the most delicious lemon sponge cake that Rachael had made especially for us! So yummy! Thanks again for a lovely evening; it's so good to share with those on the same frequency!

Memory Lane

On our way back from Birmingham we drive on A roads as I drive home and I don't drive Motorways! So we were on the A38 and couldn't resist calling off when we came to the signs for Findern! Findern village hasn't changed a bit! It's incredible and so beautiful. Why didn't I appreciate it when I lived there?
I stood in the bus shelter that I stood in every morning of my school life at John Port School (well the replacement one but still in the same place!) That bus shelter was, in fact, the centre of our social life in the village in my teenage years!
We saw that Nancy Eccles Hair studio where we all had our hair done for Christine's wedding (1st one that is!)on May 1st (what year Chris?)is still there though now it is called "Picasso"! In fact there are 2 hairdressers in this tiny village!The wedding that took place in Findern village church, also pictured, officiated over by the Reverend Hedges I do believe? Am I right, Chris? The same church that also was the venue for our Dad's funeral not so many years later.
14 Mill Close is not the same! What did they do to Dad's immaculate lawns? In fact Mill Close seems so small now!
We sat outside and as I took the photo above a woman opened the door and asked us what we were doing! "I used to live here when I was a little girl!"
We went to see my primary school which has only marginally changed and I could see myself, sitting on the grass banking with my friends making daisy chains; could see myself running my heart out on the grass track and proudly coming in to bat as the only girl allowed to play cricket with the boys!I could see myself on sports' day, competing in the 'slow bicycle' race and even though I remember thinking that the whole concept was ridiculous, my competitive spirit saw to it that I came in last - which meant that I had won!!
We went on to the Lock House at Stenson where my friend Anne Hibbert used to live;her father was the lock keeper. It's now a cafe but the window I looked through and watched the boats when I had egg and chips for tea with Anne all those years ago, is still there! Yes, Chris, I always did remember what I had eaten! I can even tell you that it was margarine on the bread and not butter!
Incredible. What a lovely place to grow up. Shame I didn't think that at the time and was impatient to leave.

Love this Church!

Don't get the impression, please, that church is just about sitting about scoffing chocolates! But it is really nice to share chocs and coffee after a wonderful time with God.
These feet were made for dancing!
We had a wonderful time in church this morning. The worship was awesome and we made tentative steps in the dance but the Spirit led us and we were truly blessed.It's amazing how He can speak to each individually and bring us all together into wholeness and unity. We love being part of this new move of God and would have it no other way. We may be in a time of waiting right now after our 3 months in Cape Town, and waiting is always frustrating, but we know we are in the will, the perfect will of God and there is no better place to be.

Saturday 14 August 2010

Letter to Michelle!

Some of the dearest friends we left behind in Cape Town are the Louw family and Michelle Louw is a very special young lady who reminds me of myself at her age, except she is so very much more beautiful!
She wrote a letter to us last week, a REAL letter, a "snail mail" letter and it was so very good to receive it, with its very pretty stamps, all the way from Cape Town. So here I am returning the compliment, knowing that the anticipation of its arrival will bring much joy to Michelle, as the anticipation of our letter from her, brought to me!

Thursday 12 August 2010

Rain Didn't Stop Play!

We had a Curry Family picnic at Lotherton Hall on Saturday and it was excellent!
The storm clouds were gathering as we drove up the M1 and we doubted the wisdom of the decision to carry on regardless but the rain held off for most of the day and a good time was had by all!
Phil and Stuart brought all the crockery and cutlery - well all except the cups so Duncan sweet-talked a load of paper cups from the cafe!
The wind was just right for kite flying and we lost Mark to another family for a time!
We packed up everything when the rain decided to settle in and stood around talking under umbrellas; then the sun came out and so did all our wet equipment - chairs, tables etc so that they could dry out. We ended up staying at least another hour talking after that and took everything home dry!
The only potential spoiler was that Mark and Elizabeth arrived with a newly made and growing crack in their windscreen but that's all fixed now!
Great day. Thanks Currys. Same time next year?

Friday 6 August 2010

We've Got Mail!

This morning we received a lovely letter from a lovely young lady - a letter all the way from Cape Town! Michelle has featured in my blog before now so you may already feel you know her!
She had said she'd written and it arrived today, covered in really pretty stamps as you can see. It was a letter which made us laugh and warmed the cockles of our hearts. We love you Michelle and look forward to seeing you again very soon! Give our love to your Mum, Jacqueline and Daniel!

Oops this is a bit of a give away - Duncan dressed and me still in my dressing gown!

Wednesday 4 August 2010

The Best of Friends!

We had a lovely time catching up with David and Margaret yesterday.They arrived at 2 and left around 9 and the time just flew. I had cooked a Slimming World meal so we all felt very virtuous as we tucked into second helpings and then all that cheese.... mmm that wasn't in the Slimming World plan but it was nice!
A true friend will not lie to you, so when Margaret arrived and said: "I'm your friend and yes, you have put on weight!" I wasn't surprised, nor upset. She then went on to say "...and you look lovely!" What more can I say?
These two very precious people are true friends and always will be! We missed them when we were in Cape Town and we know they missed us - well Margaret missed Duncan! We look forward to more times like yesterday!
PS This is not the best of photos I know but it shows them doing what they do best! Especially on the puddings course! This was our farewell meal before we went to Cape Town! Seems an age ago now. Still remember that yummy pie though, Alison!

"Just Lie Completely Still!"

Well that was a surprise. I had an appointment with the doctor this morning about the pain in my shoulders. I had seen him before we went to Cape Town and he had diagnosed torn rotator cuffs (as previously blogged, Thursday 15th April) and said that 3 months in Cape Town may well be a cure in itself. Well, unfortunately it wasn't and the pain has gradually got worse...and worse. My left shoulder and arm are the worst at the moment.
So, this morning the doctor examined me again and the next thing I knew I was having the injection he had spoken about last time. I wasn't expecting him to do it, well not there and then! No problem though, completely painless and if it works I can have the other shoulder done in 2 weeks! So let's pray for complete success so that I can actually dress myself without the agony!
The wonders of modern medicine!

Monday 2 August 2010

Rainbow Nation

Chatting with our next door neighbour back in good old Luddendenfoot, we comment on his new car. It's a very bright yellow. Statisically, they're supposed to be involved in fewer accidents. I'm not sure if this is because they are fewer on the road, or people see them before they crash. Most of the Cape Town cars are white. You do get the odd coloured one, but they are definitely in the minority. We ponder why this should be? White to reflect the heat? White because of fashion? White because there are no Fords who said we could only have black?

Sunday 1 August 2010

The Price of Petrol

A tankful of unleaded cost me just over £40 which is dearer than South Africa by several pounds. That’s not unexpected, really. This was the first time I’ve filled up myself for over three months. As I watched the figures whizz round, I thought about how many petrol pump attendants there are Engen petrol stations across South Africa. How great the service is: petrol, oil, tyre pressures, windows washed and wiped – all done with a smile for a small tip. I also thought that it’s amazing the petrol companies employ so many people per garage – after all, it’s all automated in just the same way.
Here, in Morrisons, Halifax, there’s just one lady behind a glass screen that makes it look like a bank and the shop is freezing, thanks to the fridges. Driving away, I reflect that they probably pay her the equivalent of six or eight South African wages. Being typically British, I was uncomfortable at first with so much personal attention. Now I’ve gotten used to the service, I know which I prefer.