Monday 21 June 2010

Snapshots of Cape Town 5

Seal Song

The other day on the beach, we saw a seal. Nothing too unusual here, really, except this one was swimming in the breaking waves. We caught his beautiful length in the clear rising water as the waves curled to the beach. For a moment, he was caught in the watery light of his element, graceful and agile in the sea - a figure far from the comic one he cuts when upon the sand, flippered and awkward in his movements. We are told that their bodies are often found on the beach. The seals come to shore to die. They come alone with the last of their strength to frolic in the warm waters of the shallows. We’re glad we didn’t know what we were watching: the last efforts of something to say goodbye.


  1. Oh that is sad, but what a great experience to be watching seals swimming so near that you can photograph them - love Mum/Pamxx

  2. This is one of my photos but when we went to Seal Island where we saw them swimming and showing off to us last September. This isn't the dying seal!

  3. Little did you know when you took this photo that you would in SA so soon.
