Wednesday 23 June 2010

Didn't They Do Well?!

I was in the hairdressers when the match was on and Duncan had gone to the bookshop. The staff were all very excited and kept running out to a neighbouring bar where the match was on big screen.
They finished my hair - no Duncan. I waited and flicked through a few "Hello" magazines. Still no Duncan. I couldn't leave as I didn't have any money to pay! The hairdresser suggested we go and look in the bar to see if Duncan had been drawn in to watch the match.
Just as we got in the third (subsequently disallowed, goal) was scored and everyone went MAD! Seriously mad, running in and out of the bar and just going bananas. Or should I say Bananas Bananas!?
It was a great moment and the support of the South Africans for their team was wonderful! Shame they go out, despite beating France!


  1. You know what Duncan is like in a bookshop he loses all idea of time!! Yes it is a shame South Africa is out of the running , but I don't think England will be far behind them. Love Mum/Pamxx

  2. You're back!!! I was missing your blogs. ENgland have just won 1-0 against there's going to be some partying tonight.

  3. Everything's going World Cup crazy here too! Walkers have even brought out 15 new crisp flavours from around the world, with the countries' flags on the packets. The South African one looks very fetching - see for a piccy!
