Sunday 13 June 2010


Just got back from church. Great service, (of course). Apostle Andre spoke on The Ecclesia, the called out ones. We were presented with our certificates for completing the Foundation Course which was a very special moment!It also means we are officially members of Harvester Church now! Amen.


  1. Congratulations to you both what an impressive certificate! Enjoyed reading the Franshoek blog - what a delight and surprise to find such beautiful vineyards and a little bit of France in SA. I'm so pleased Andre and Nola are spending time with you - to be with them is to learn! As for the mountain - my children would say - It wasn't me miss!

  2. At last you've both been certified, its been a long time coming

  3. You're only this cheeky because you're so far away! The day will come.....

  4. Congratulations! I love what it says on the certificates, especially the bit that says,'the chaos in the world due to the tares has not prevented the growth of the wheat' - AMEN!

  5. Discovered that clicking on to it made it larger so I could read it - and have even saved a copy of it - I hope!! Love Mum/Pamxx

  6. Congratulation and well done!!

  7. Hmmm, I saved a copy too! Certified, good one! Would like to know where Somerset West is tho?

  8. Somerset West is 30k from Cape Town, on the coast.

  9. Congratulations you two certified people.xx
