Tuesday 15 June 2010

Skyping Supper

We had a lovely evening yesterday. Jenny and Lowrence came round to Skype Annie, and Catherine joined us for nibbles! Woolworths do some lovely, tasty little nibbles - the mini chicken pancakes which only take 1 minute in the microwave - were especially good! Healthy stuff too, carrots, cucumber etc for the hummus!
It was good to see Annie in our living room again!
Catherine is such a good friend. She was the first person we met when we stepped off the plane last September on our first visit to cape Town, and she has been a very special person in our lives ever since.


  1. Great that you have made new friends so quickly. Love Mum/Pam xxx

  2. who's the demented fella with my baby. You need to keep an eye on him for me

  3. Love the picture! We must Skype again soon - I have bought a webcam so you will be able to see me, and hopefully I will be able to hear you this time :-) A few of us are going to the Worship Conference at Hull on Saturday, so I will probably have some good things to share....
