Monday 21 June 2010

Footy Fan!

Duncan has just finished watching the Portugal versus the People's Republic of Korea match! I think he enjoyed it! Well going on the number of "Ooohs" and "Ahhs" coming from the other side of the room!


  1. Don't really think yellow is your colour Duncan but it is certainly lovely and bright! Glad you enjoyed the match . It is either football or tennis on our T.V at the moment. Can't say we are great fans of either - but there's always Star Trek!!! Love Mum/Pamxx

  2. Suddenly I looked and saw a face, and wondered who's that then? Then it hit me, it's Duncan!! Oh my, your life out in Capetown, S.A. is certainly changing you in more ways than one!!!Don't know how you put up with all those trumpet thingys they blow, maybe it sounds a lot better there tho!! Yellow is a warm color same as the sun, thats always there even on the darkest of days.
    I don't think it's the football or tennis on peoples minds much today the 22nd, Budget!!
    Take care,n bless you both.
