Sunday 27 June 2010

Awesome Church!

Need I say it? It's Sunday and we learnt so much again.
Let anyone suggest to me that sprinkling at a 'christening' will do, and that a baptism of total immersion is not necessary! Codswollop! I knew it but I know it now!

Lunch with Catherine at a Farmstall after. Yummy yum yum again. Thank you Catherine.

Last night we were geusts at a dinner party for 9 at Colleen and Ian's. Fantastic food and wine and wonderful company. The evening ended with us watching Ghana go through, beating the USA! Go Africa!!!

Wonder how England will fare in their next match?


  1. God is amazing isn't He - your story of the baptism and the healing power - WOW!!!
    Another miracle was Peter losing his fear of immersion, that he had since a child when a big wave knocked him down and washed over him. That caused a lifelong fear of having water all over himself - now he takes showers and doesn't worry about it any more.God is good!! Love Mum/Pamxx

  2. And we are all so relieved about the showers!!!

  3. Is that you and Duncan trying to swim to Robben Island?
