Sunday 27 June 2010

Awesome Church!

Need I say it? It's Sunday and we learnt so much again.
Let anyone suggest to me that sprinkling at a 'christening' will do, and that a baptism of total immersion is not necessary! Codswollop! I knew it but I know it now!

Lunch with Catherine at a Farmstall after. Yummy yum yum again. Thank you Catherine.

Last night we were geusts at a dinner party for 9 at Colleen and Ian's. Fantastic food and wine and wonderful company. The evening ended with us watching Ghana go through, beating the USA! Go Africa!!!

Wonder how England will fare in their next match?

Friday 25 June 2010


I do so love the sea.

Face in the clouds!

Ever had that feeling that someone is watching you?


Today we have had strange weather. The sea fret has been down and the fog horns sounding all day but at about 3pm there was a clearing and we went to Blaubergstrand for a walk and to see the waves crashing over the rocks, very close to shore. It is very dramatic and takes your breath away as you watch the waves build and build before finally crashing, almost over you as you sit! Amazing!

Supper with Catherine.

Yesterday Catherine came and stayed for supper. We had a lovely evening chatting and as Duncan was out at The Band of Brothers it was especially precious. It's amazing at the similarities in our pasts! God draws the right people into your life at the right time.
We had steak and salad. As Duncan said in his last blog, steak is cheaper here, and we had lovely fillet steak. As we were yumming it up, Catherine said:
"MMM this is so sensitive."
"Sensitive steak?? Oh you mean tender!!"
I love the little differences in language use!
We are with bi-lingual people here which is very humbling for two English speakers with nothing but a smattering of French!

Thursday 24 June 2010

Close Shave

Some things are cheaper here, some things are more expensive. Steak is cheaper, wine is a lot cheaper. Petrol is a bit cheaper, books are very much more expensive. Clothes are mostly cheaper, parking is usually free. Shaving foam is a lot dearer and I think you get less in the tin!

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Didn't They Do Well?!

I was in the hairdressers when the match was on and Duncan had gone to the bookshop. The staff were all very excited and kept running out to a neighbouring bar where the match was on big screen.
They finished my hair - no Duncan. I waited and flicked through a few "Hello" magazines. Still no Duncan. I couldn't leave as I didn't have any money to pay! The hairdresser suggested we go and look in the bar to see if Duncan had been drawn in to watch the match.
Just as we got in the third (subsequently disallowed, goal) was scored and everyone went MAD! Seriously mad, running in and out of the bar and just going bananas. Or should I say Bananas Bananas!?
It was a great moment and the support of the South Africans for their team was wonderful! Shame they go out, despite beating France!


I know the photo isn't very good, it's a bit blurred and the subject is almost out of shot, but if you look carefully to where the arrow is pointing you will just see him! We watched this whale, swimming and blowing yesterday before we went out and he was fairly close in. Amazing.Taking photos straight into the brightness here is a bit of a hit and miss activity at times - point, shoot and pray you've got it. And this time I did - just!
Made us think of "Finding Nemo" which we watched again on Monday. We almost saw the two little fishes blown up through the hole!
"Do you speak whaaaale?"

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Catching Up!

It's good to be in communication with folk again! We had a long Skype with Pam and Pete and then one with Harry last night. He is studying for his exams at the moment. Here he is sporting his Scissett Triathlon tee shirt! Nice red! He and Lucinda have another event this Sunday so we wish them well. Open water not swimming pool! Those wet suits will be needed! You can use them for surfing when you come to Cape Town!!

Monday 21 June 2010

Snapshots of Cape Town 5

Seal Song

The other day on the beach, we saw a seal. Nothing too unusual here, really, except this one was swimming in the breaking waves. We caught his beautiful length in the clear rising water as the waves curled to the beach. For a moment, he was caught in the watery light of his element, graceful and agile in the sea - a figure far from the comic one he cuts when upon the sand, flippered and awkward in his movements. We are told that their bodies are often found on the beach. The seals come to shore to die. They come alone with the last of their strength to frolic in the warm waters of the shallows. We’re glad we didn’t know what we were watching: the last efforts of something to say goodbye.

Footy Fan!

Duncan has just finished watching the Portugal versus the People's Republic of Korea match! I think he enjoyed it! Well going on the number of "Ooohs" and "Ahhs" coming from the other side of the room!

Stories From The Hot Springs!

Duncan had forgotten his hat!
We didn’t really expect to need sun tackle, after all it is winter! So as we entered the Hot Springs the usual tourist type stalls were in evidence and Duncan bought the most outrageously unsuitable hat he could find! He had been wearing it for several hours before he noticed that there was a strip of cardboard keeping the hat in shape.
“Ah that’s much better, far more comfortable!” he said as he removed it!
There was only one way that the story could end – several people had the thought, I think: “It could be your collar!” So we had our dog-collared brother to pray for us beside the pool! Laugh?! We have laughed so much our laughter muscles ache!

Shall We Dance?

I can’t believe the difference in the weather today! After our trip to Montague where we’ve been blessed with blue skies and hot sun throughout, today we have mist and rain and the mountain has disappeared again. We even heard the fog horns last night – the first time since we’ve been here.
It was good to be back in our own bed and although I was up at about 4am to pray, we did sleep very well.
It really is a chilling out day today. We are still in our dressing gowns!
The TV films are shown at the strangest times here, and repeated and repeated on the Movie channels so we were delighted to be able to watch “Shall We Dance?” again this morning. Great film with Richard Gere and Susan Sarrendon and Jennifer Lopez! We both ended up in tears! Tonight is “Finding Nemo” at 8pm! Hooray. The photo I have put on the blog is of Chrystal and Hente who are also taking ballroom dancing lessons. We had dinner with Diane and the family on Tuesday before our departure to Montague and Diane, Gavin and Charlene’s departure for the UK – Aberdeen to be precise! We had a lovely meal with them and a dancing display from the couple above who returned from their lesson while we were there!Note the football in the background!
Carry on snookling, that’s what days like today are for!

Sunday 20 June 2010

Trip to Montague

We have just had such a wonderful time in Montague. We set off on Wednesday afternoon and arrived early evening after a brief shop in Robertstown. The weather has been absolutely brilliant – hot sun and blue skies throughout. Duncan and I were hosted by Nell, Catherine’s mum and we were made very welcome and were very comfortable.
In Montague, besides the incredible mountains, is the hot spa and we spent two days there! The water is so hot, especially in the Jacuzzi and we came out looking like prunes! We looked around Montague, which didn’t take too long as it is a small village but we did manage to find a book shop! See the photo I took inside! Not a patch on Gordon’s bay I’m afraid!
We had a braai on Thursday which was yummy yum yum, and on Friday we were guests of Nell who had invited another two couples to join us. Another exceedingly good night’s scoffing was had! Saturday we spent in the Hot Spa and then delicious pizzas on the way back. Everyone was pretty whacked so the proposed Canasta Championships was put off to a later date.
We were not able to e mail or blog when we were away and I was very touched to read Rachael’s concern after 5 blog-less days!
The journey through the mountains, which are powdered with snow at the moment, is breathtaking, the Hugenot tunnel the longest we have ever driven through.
We parted company at about mid day today and set off back. Nell was also coming to Cape Town as she was meeting someone at the airport. We decided to end our mini holiday with a treat meal in a wine farm and found ourselves at the Vreide en Lust wine farm so had a great lunch there before coming home.
The cupboards are replaced and Gina and Waldemar have given our place a “good fettle” in our absence and left us a plant and a box of chocolates. People are so kind.
We had a lovely, lovely time but it is nice to be home. We missed our mountain and we so missed the sea. Tomorrow – a lie in and a chill day! Though I do need another hair cut!

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Early Morning Prayer

When we get up to pray while it is still dark outside, we pray and read by candlelight as the light from the lounge spills into the bedroom through the panes of glass high up in the rafters. So, not wanting to disturb Duncan this morning, I lit the candles and had a really good quiet time with God. He speaks more clearly now, or maybe I should say that I'm becoming a better, more attentive listener!
I have been encouraged by the confirmations I have received of late, from several different sources, that words I am bringing to people are accurate. I pray that I will continue to listen carefully and speak less and give God time to say what He wants to say to me!
I'm sure Duncan will appreciate parts of this prayer!

Skyping Supper

We had a lovely evening yesterday. Jenny and Lowrence came round to Skype Annie, and Catherine joined us for nibbles! Woolworths do some lovely, tasty little nibbles - the mini chicken pancakes which only take 1 minute in the microwave - were especially good! Healthy stuff too, carrots, cucumber etc for the hummus!
It was good to see Annie in our living room again!
Catherine is such a good friend. She was the first person we met when we stepped off the plane last September on our first visit to cape Town, and she has been a very special person in our lives ever since.

Monday 14 June 2010

Windy, Rainy Cape

It's been very wet and windy today - just like in England. We have been to Canal Walk and popped up to see Caroline in the iBurst office as she has a funeral to attend in the Eastern Cape and will be going by bus tomorrow. Her aunt has died,and Caroline has to make an 8 hour bus journey to be at the funeral. She will be away 2 weeks.She is expecting to be one of hundreds at the funeral.
Jenny and Lowrence will be here soon so that Jenny can Skype her Mum!
We bought me a swim suit for our trip to the Hot Springs in Montague! Tried 4 on and typically it was the most expensive one I liked best. Got a nice surprise at the till though - 30% off in the sale! Hooray!
Bumped into Angie and Eric shopping for Eric's wedding suit. Actually bumped into them twice! They are such a good match and a lovely couple and we are very sorry we will not be here for their wedding in September.
Good to get positive feedback on the new-look-blog. I hadn't realised it would be easier to read this colour combination, I just liked the fact that it has got Africa on the map in the background!
Sharing another photo from our day out on Saturday as I'm sure you don't want to see the rain!
Just heard from Graham that KLM baggage allowance went up to 23kg in May from 20kg! Can do even more shopping then!!!!!

Sunday 13 June 2010

Somebody Stole Our Mountain!

This was the scene yesterday morning as we looked across the bay!
How do you like the new look Blog then? Maybe this new look will stimulate a few more comments!!


Just got back from church. Great service, (of course). Apostle Andre spoke on The Ecclesia, the called out ones. We were presented with our certificates for completing the Foundation Course which was a very special moment!It also means we are officially members of Harvester Church now! Amen.

Saturday 12 June 2010

Day Out!

We have had a wonderful, impromptu day out to Franschhoek. We stopped and had a wonderful wine tasting session at “Vrede en Lust” wine farm and came away a little merry in my case! This must be the most beautiful land on earth.We learnt a bit more of its history today.
We also had a tasty cheese platter, but that wasn’t lunch! So we headed into the main street and had a lovely meal of Hake and Calimares before exploring the chocolate shop!


We thought it might be a good idea to begin a caption competition and what better photo to start with than this one!
So, all ideas on the comments section as soon as you like, please!
(This is one way to get you to comment on the blog, methinks!)

Friday 11 June 2010

Simon Armitage gets to Gordon's Bay!

I was so pleased to see Simon has made it in SA!!! If anyone sees him please pass on my blog address to him! And remind him that I taught him all he knows!!!
(Year 9 is a very formative year at school!)

Especially for You!

This blog is for a certain young man in Copley near Halifax!
Just for you, Joel!!
Hope you're all doing well! Love Beverly and Duncan XXX

The Most Incredible Bookshop!

Gordon's Bay is quickly becoming one of our favourite places - close to the wonderful Winelands, beautiful bay, and now, this most fantastic of book shops. Second hand and new books at great prices. Paperbacks are expensive in SA but here I got a couple of new novels for R28 each: Salmon Fishing in the Yemen and A Quiet Belief in Angels while Duncan got another Andre Brink he's been fancying!

Vuvuzela Alarm Clock!

Have learnt how to put an album of photos on Facbook! So you can see 20 pics of our time at Fairview Wine Estate yesterday celebrating Catherine’s birthday. There were about 25 of us on one huge table and the food was excellent. It is just sooooooooooooooooooo beautiful here. I want to bring you all from England (and Turkey) and have a huge table with you all. We would share a wonderful meal, wonderful wine and we would have such a time of fellowship. You would meet all our new South African friends and we would have such a happy time. Heaven!
Now what did I last write about? Did I tell you about our trip back to Somerset West and Gordon’s Bay on Thursday? The weather was beautiful and we had the most incredible view of the mountains. Are they the Wemmershoekberge Hills I wonder? We’ve been looking at our map!
We sat outside opposite the bay in Gordon’s Bay and had lunch and a chilled bottle of white wine. We met Lawrence who tried to sell Duncan a pin cushion! His mother supposedly made them and he only had one left! Lawrence had seen better days and was in need of a good meal and a bit of a fettle! We didn’t take his last pincushion but we did give him a few rand.
I went to the public toilet and met Margaret. I asked her if she lived in Gordon’s Bay and she pointed to a sheet of cardboard on the grass outside the loos, and said she lived there. You can see her photo above.
We are very privileged.
We got home and had a quick turn around, only time to clean our teeth and grab our bibles and off out – to a Nigerian church in Cape Town where Andre was preaching and Harvester Worship Band were leading some of the worship. Nigerians are LOUD! They equate the anointing with the volume! The worship was fantastic and most of the church there got up and joined the dance. Some photos above too! The service was looooooooong though. We were tired when we got home. We drove Andre home and he told us of some of the meetings he went to on his recent trip to Nigeria. One was in a small classroom where people were crushed in and it was very hot and sweaty and the microphones were on full tilt and the noise rebounded off the walls. For three hours! He said “Welcome to the life of a missionary!”
Yesterday morning I was going to the Women’s meeting at Nola’s. Duncan dropped me off but there was a last minute change of plan as Hilton needed a new passport and Nola had to be with him for him to get one. So we turned around thinking the meeting was off. I got a phone call: “Oh Bev, I thought that you could lead the meeting as there are women who have come!” said Nola.
Erm, erm, gulp, ok!
Stressed or what!? No time to plan. Oh, thinks I, Chantal’s coming so she will lead.
Got in the house, went up to Nola’s sitting room – no Chantal.
Text from Duncan – Chantal not able to come!
So this is when you just have to depend on God! We began to talk about when we had been saved and had given our lives to Jesus and then God took the reins and did some deep and incredible work in our hearts! Thank you, Lord. We had words for people there and I had a picture that really spoke to some of us.

Then on to Fairview with Nola and Colleen. Hilton got his passport and will be setting off (in 5 minutes) on his surfing safari with his friend and his parents.
We are having a chill day. We were awoken at about 7.45am by a solitary vuvuzela being blown repeatedly by someone on the beach! The joy of the World Cup has begun!
I need to write a separate blog of the Bookshop we found in Gordon’s bay!! Incredible and you need to see several pictures, so....later. XX

P.S.Happy Anniversary to Margaret and David for yesterday XX

Sorry photos are a bit mixed up:
Duncan, Jenny, Lowrence etc worshiping in the Nigerian Church, Cape Town
Duncan looking down on Gordon's Bay
The congregation in Nigerian Church
Margaret- Gordon's Bay

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Tall Horse Box!

So we went shopping, mainly for coffee and to get a bit of air, and as we were going round Pick'n'Pay we saw a man filling the shelves in the wine section from the box you see above.
"Nice box," says Duncan.
"Do you want it?" says Pick 'n' Pay man.
"Oh thanks!" says Duncan.
"Why?" says Beverly.

Well it is nice wine - and very cheap. We have tried Tall Horse Red bottle, Tall Horse Blue bottle, Tall Horse orange bottle and tall Horse Purple bottle. Think the Red bottle is slightly better than the others. Tall Horse green?? We'll let you know!!

Cape Town is Ready!

The view across the bay, taken a couple of minutes ago, to the Stadium. Cape Town is ready (almost!) for the World Cup! An hour ago the rain was pelting and the cloud so low there was no mountain visible! We never tire of the different views from our balcony.

Monday 7 June 2010

Vergelegen and Counting!

I wonder how many Vineyards we can visit before we come home. We have the map so we can just tick them off! Number 1: Vergelegen! Number 2: ..........
If you look down at the bottom right on the picture you'll see a blue line leading to Vergelegen Wine Farm and 2 others from Somerset West! All the other coloured 'dots' are other vineyards!

Traditional South African Food!

Monday Again!
Another week begins and our experiences in church on Sundays just get better and better. We had a lovely week end after our exploring Somerset West on Friday. We pottered about in the sunshine and read our books on our balcony. Then, a quick dash to the Mall for some last minute provisions (they all shut at 5 on a Saturday. Another good thing is that from then on no alcohol is sold until Monday morning! Whatever possessed the government to relax our licensing hours in the UK?!). We then had an hour Skyping Lucy! She was able to see us but we can’t see her as yet but she is going to buy a webcam. It was lovely to talk and catch up. Then we had pasta and were going to have a quiet night in when Nola phoned and invited us round for coffee. We live so close which is wonderful! So coffee at Nola’s then a fairly early night.
We had planned to attend both the 8am and the 10am services but when the alarm went off we were so tired that we decided on another hour in bed. Legalism is a thing of the past and we are learning that too.
The 10am service was awesome. Chantal led worship and as we sang and danced to the words of us being the church we were led to point at each other during the dance and sing those words over each other. SO powerful. Then Aje preached on Joy. Wonderful teaching; deep but so simple.
Enjoy the things you are getting right! We do so readily criticise and berate ourselves for our mistakes and the things we get wrong so take that advise and enjoy the things you are getting right! And consider – if you are doing something (for God) and you are not enjoying it, then maybe you are doing the wrong thing. Consider your calling. Has God called you to do it?
Also, a tip – if, when you are reading the Bible, you are not understanding it then pray in tongues over it. Note WHEN. If you are wanting a closer relationship with God and want to know what He is calling you to do then you should be reading and meditating on His word daily.
Also, are you lacking faith? Then read the word more. Hear the Word more :”The just shall live by their faith”. HEAR the word so read it out loud! Hear it
The Bible is our direction and our help – a lamp unto our feet so let’s start taking it seriously! Let’s stop playing at being Christians!
I was reading the Parable of the Sower again in Luke this morning, or the Parable of the Three Soils as it is in the NKJV and I was drawn to think about the last line:
“ Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.” Luke 8:18 Even what he seems to have. Interesting!
After church we went to lunch in Durbanville as the guests of Louise, Jacqueline, Michelle and Daniel Luow. Catherine drove us and Helga came too! Louise and Jacqueline had prepared a feast of traditional food and I was so sorry not to have my camera as the plate looked fantastic! The pictures above are from Google I'm afraid.
There was Bobotie, rice, stewed dried fruits, sweet potatoes mashed, salad, chutney! Absolutely wonderful with Malva pudding and custard and ice cream to follow. Yummy, yum, yum!
My sister will be delighted to hear the next bit – Daniel and I started a game of “You’re It” with a casual poke on the arm. This progressed until we were all playing it around the table, and under the table and over the table and then we took off and everyone was screeching and running full pelt around the house! We laughed so much. This was followed by a session around the Grand Piano. Jacqueline played and we sang some Harvester Worship. So good. There was a workers’ meeting at church at 5.30pm which we all attended and then Catherine gave me a lift home and Duncan stayed for the evening service.
At the workers’ meeting, which was very well attended, Aje taught on the Combine Harvester. Nola had had a dream some years ago that the church body would be a combine Harvester and Aje showed us how this works. Different parts of the body evangelising in different ways, bringing in the wheat for the harvest. Putting it through the blades of the Word, cutting and pruning .... an incredible prophetic analogy. I wonder if you people over there know how Harvester was named. It was actually on a trip to England when the Pelser family were eating at a Harvester restaurant and they liked the name and said it represented what they were about as a church. Incredible that that is where we took Nola and Mimie, Andre and Aje and Chantal to eat and we would have taken Mourne there too had they not run out of meat!!!
Duncan enjoyed the evening service and I enjoyed a bit of ‘me’ time here at the appartment.
We have Muizenburg with Aje tonight. Tomorrow we plan to see a bit more of Somerset West. Wednesday we are going to a Nigerian Church at 6pm. Thursday is Catherine’s birthday, (Not yesterday as her Facebook fans would have us believe!) and we are having High Tea with her and a group of others. Now that Invictus is out on DVD we plan an evening viewing it with Corbus on his ENORMOUS TV!
Oh yes, on the way to church yesterday we overtook the team coach carrying the Bafana Bafana Team – the South African team! Well we think it must have been their bus! It was completely covered in pictures of footballers and we couldn’t see through the windows but they will have been able to see out! “Mercedes Benz are proud to drive Bafana Bafana!” It said on the back and the sides!
Don’t worry at our supporting South Africa, Ethan is a firm England supporter!
PS Catherine - you're it! Tag!

Friday 4 June 2010


We have had the most lovely, lovely day. We had a bit of a lie in as we were late to bed. Catherine brought me home from the Women’s meeting (Holy Women) and she came in and we had a lovely time, chatting and laughing for a couple of hours. (You really can’t have hectic body lotion, Catherine!!). Then we set off to explore!
We went to Somerset West and then to Gordon’s Bay. After a brief visit to the Tourist Information in SW we set off for lunch at the Vergelegen Winery! We have enjoyed this wine from Sainsburys in UK so to see where it originated was wonderful. We took lots of pictures; the scenery and the HUGE oak trees were awesome. It’s difficult to know which pictures to include!
The meal was beautiful and so was the wine we had with it! Then a trip around the green, green, estate and in the library where we chatted with a lady who has relatives in Leeds, London and Chester! Then on to our first experience of wine tasting! I was so relieved when the woman serving us reassured me that you DON’T have to spit it out! Phew! What a waste that would be!
Then on to Gordon’s Bay – a beautiful, peaceful and very restful little place.
As the light faded we set off home and got HOPELESSLY LOST! It was terrible, we couldn’t find ourselves on the map and couldn’t read the tiny print in the map book! Add to that the fact that we were both desperate to go to the toilet and you have the recipe for the day being spoilt! Not so! We soldiered on, prayed and with calm team work made it back to Dolphin Beach and the loo!! We are going to SW again but will set off earlier and aim to get back in the light!

Thursday 3 June 2010

Burning Boat, Dolphin Beach

The ship caught fire during some welding on board. Twenty two men escaped unhurt. We made Cape Town television E News this evening.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Sunrise and Sunset June 1st 2010

Champagne Cocktails, Cake and Coffee!

Duncan looking more like the Brigadier than the Brigadier himself here!

Yesterday we had a lovely, if very busy day.
We went to Bible School for our last sessions with Jacqueline on Historical Books and Aje on Meditation and Revelation. We have learnt so much but fortunately we will not be sitting the exams but will be spending our time trying to assimilate all the notes we have taken. We also will be trying to get to grips with all the other courses of study that takes 2 years for full time students!
Waldemar, our landlord, called at 1pm sharp, and we followed him out to Melkbossstrand, up the coast through Blauberg to his lovely home in Atlantic Village. The scenery could have been Yorkshire – but for the white sand, the sea and Table Mountain in the background! It was open ground and hilly and very beautiful. Big Bay which we drove past is a favourite surfing beach for Hilton and Aje and we can see why now we have visited it. Breathtakingly beautiful with the backdrop of the mountain which looks so different further up the coast as you can see the Twelve Apostles and the back and haunches of the Lion!
When we arrived Gina was very pleased to see us and Waldemar was quickly round his bar mixing champagne cocktails for us. They had a house guest from Germany who was staying for 3 weeks and she was very gracious with us all speaking in English as she didn’t fully understand what we were saying. The house is beautiful and very tastefully furnished and we sat in the spilling sunshine watching little birds bathing and showering in the water features in the garden. Birds I had never seen before – very bright yellow and some with very cherry red breasts but not robins!
We talked and they were very interested in why we are out here and seemed open to our faith. They spoke of their family back in Munich and one son in England. They came over to South Africa on a boat in 1957 and actually met and fell in love on the boat. He is a retired television engineer and he worked with Telefunken when TV was making its first appearance in South Africa. They started out in Jo’burg then moved to East London and then finally got to Cape Town. Very interesting people. We had coffee and delicious carrot cake and cheese cake before taking our leave with very big hugs and sound kisses on both cheeks and the invitation to go back again. We felt very welcome and we know the invitation is sincere.
We then came home and prepared for the evening in Muizenburg. We sang a few worship songs and Duncan played guitar. Aje picked us up at 6.30 ish and we went over and had another really good evening looking at the Resurrection and the Final Judgment. Big subjects but Aje had drawn a diagram which really helped us all to understand better.
We feel very close to Falkurt and Melize and Nico and his wife. Falkurt has loaned us 2 DVDs starring Leon Schuster with the promise that these films will make us laugh: “Mr Bones 1 and 2” and “Mama Jack”.
As I am typing Duncan is watching a couple of seals basking in the sunshine very close to shore. Today is really hot and the sea is very calm. With a view like this we don’t really need to go anywhere.
We discovered a ‘Grind your own beans’ section in the coffee department of Pick’n’ Pay supermarket. We sussed the operation together: use the scissors to open the bag, pour the beans into the machine, select your grinding quality and hold your bag beneath the machine. When operation stops seal bag with stapler or sellotape and proceed to check out. Duncan being Duncan wanted TWO types of coffee so I left him grinding the Italian coffee and went to look at the clothes. A few minutes later a rather embarrassed and forlorn Duncan found me; he was carrying a VERY full coffee bag and his hands were covered in a ducting of coffee. “There was more coffee than bag space” was his comment!! So we had to buy a jar to put it in!
We are in tonight and happy for a rest. I am marinating some fillet steak in red wine, rosemary, onion and olive oil for tea. Steak is a lot cheaper here and delicious! We have found a wine called ‘BC’ to have with it. Obviously mine! Wonder what Duncan will drink!