Tuesday 30 March 2010

Raining again!

Having an enormous skylight window in our loft bedroom is wonderful for letting light in but it has its disadvantages when it rains. For a start off it is so noisy! Also, we can't have the window open properly either! So the rain seems to be magnified somehow.
When we go to Cape Town we will be arriving in their Autumn time but I suspect that the weather may well be much more clement than we are experiencing here in England. Still, I know that it is the rain that makes it the "Green and pleasant land" the poets have written about.

So, my Sister's visit seems to be hitting problems. Debbie may have to work so thay will have to get here on the train or by hiring a car. I have been looking into the relative costs - do you know how much it would cost for 3 adults to travel from London to Halifax?? The car hire choice would be much cheaper and more sensible, especially as I've just remembered the proposed Rail strike on the very days they are due to travel!


  1. Yes the weather is not good at present - trust it will be better for you in Cape Town. Sorry to hear about Chris' problems. Hope that they can be resolved and that you can spend some time together. - Pam/Mum

  2. Don't worry Sis.....by hook or by crook or train or car...we'll get there...even if I have to get my broomstick out!!! :-)) :-))
