Tuesday 30 March 2010

Books! Books! Books!

I can't believe how many books we have. It isn't until you have to move them that you realise how many hundreds you have. Actually, it's only when you move them that you see books you didn't even know you had! Forgotten gems purchased a life time ago when you really wanted to read about such and such! It's only when you move them that you find multiple copies of the same volume but with different, updated covers!
Because of the aforementioned replacement skylight in the study we had to move all our books out and box them up while the work was completed. We then had to put them all back. I say "we" but it has been me doing the last of the humping this morning!

We had the added problem of having to find shelf space for all the books we had to clear from Duncan's office in church!
Still, it is done! The mountain of boxes that were stacked in the corner of Harry's bedroom have now found a home on one of our many book shelves.

There will be trouble ahead though. I have tended to shelve them where they fitted according to size not content! Also there are multiple layers on most shelves!
I can hear the cry from Duncan now..."Beverly, do you know where my Wiersbe commentry on Romans is???"

But the room is more like a bedroom for our guests now!


  1. This is a problem for all of us who like to read but I sometimes think that just maybe they breed on the shelves!! Love Mum xx

  2. Your guests are more than happy to sleep with the 'library'....as long as you have some spare glasses somewhere that we could borrow!!!Any chance??xxx

  3. No sorry - old specky 6 eyes uses them all!

  4. Very deep and profound word ...erm... meaning methinks everything and nothing both at the same time! I remember visiting a monestry once and every wall was covered in bookshelves, ( instead of wallpaper you understand) even up the staircase!! Learning to travel light isn't always easy I'm sure. Bless you both, Love Barbara S

  5. I am enjoying the books in every room and I think at the moment have about 5 on the go so all spare time spent in the pages of a book.xx
