Sunday 28 March 2010

Currys Getting Fit!

Well we did remember that we had to put the clocks forward but then woke up at 8ish having then forgotten, so it was really 9ish! Then Duncan called downstairs: "Shall we go for a run?" So, I'd lost an hour, I had a piece of pork the size of the Isle of Man in the fridge - (Our version of the fatted calf as Harry is coming to Sunday lunch!) and here was Duncan in track suit and raring to go, as it was such a lovely day! It was, and still is, very windy, but the gauntlet had been thrown so running shoes on and off we went on our little circuit.
I should perhaps explain - we are only very much beginners and are training - run a bit, walk a bit, run a bit, walk a bit more and more.....building up, you know! Well that's what we told the very fit bunch of runners who called "We saw you walking!"

Both Duncan and I have been runners in our past.
Both have run and completed half marathons in reasonable times but we have a long way to go to get anywhere near that level again. But everything has to start somewhere! We have begun. Tomorrow is another day. Run a bit...walk a a bit more...walk a bit more and more... It's an analogy for life really!

Q:How do you eat an elephant?
A:One bite at a time!

1 comment:

  1. Well done you two....hup 2 3 4...hup 2 3 4!!!New fit bodies!!!Hope the pork was yummy....see you very soon.Lots of Love xxx
