Thursday 25 March 2010

More glasses than I don't know what!

Well Duncan got the all-clear from the hospital but they said that ideally he should wait another 4 weeks before having his eyes re-tested at the opticians.They did however suggest that if he could get some reading glasses that would help out in the interim and wouldn't be detrimental to his eyes. to the Poundshop and 3 pairs of specs later we tripped into some more in Wilkinsons, so had a pair of theirs too; then, off to Sainsburys for food shop and lo and behold, more reading glasses so we now have a proper selection. At present he's sporting the Sainsbury's ones which are the best ones for laptop use (apparently!).
The 4 week wait is in case his eye should "settle down" further and his vision alter again, so we think we will go ahead and 'risk it' and get the show on the road. Pam and Pete think we should too!
So, tomorrow the opticians and then a couple of weeks, maybe three, for the new glasses to arrive. So our proposed departure date seems possible after all!Watch this space! And do, please comment. You have no idea how excited I am when someone comments!!

1 comment:

  1.'s one suitcase full of specs for Dunc and one of clothes for you then Aunty Bev??This blogging is quite 'cool' methinks!!xx
