Wednesday 24 March 2010

Finding Nemo!

Last Sunday we visited our friends at Birmingham Harvester Church and had a wonderful time of fun and true fellowship. On the Sunday evening Graham and Annie suggested we watch Finding Nemo and were surprised we hadn't already seen it. What a fantastic film. I want to watch it again. Although there is the tear-jerker start the rest of the film is so very, very funny and we laughed outloud, real belly-laughing laughs for the rest of the evening. Then we spent at least an hour recalling bits we particularly liked and quoting..."Mine!" "Do you speak whale?" and my favourite: "I wish I could speak whale!" If you haven't seen it and need cheering up, or even if you have - watch it again and be uplifted and cheered. There's something wonderful about facing anything in order to be with the one you love! Something encouraging in thinking our worst fears, the ones that keep us awake at night sweating under our duvets,might just turn out to be much less threatening than we think. The sharks in counselling were actually overcoming their beliefs that fish were food - no "friend not food!" If we don't step out we will never know.When we begin a fearful journey we must have the faith to believe that the One who sent us is there with us, every step of the way! Nemo was worth the search. What or who is worth the search for you?

1 comment:

  1. The playstation game is lovely too."Nothing happens 'til first a dream"!!xxxx
