Monday 22 March 2010

New Beginnings

So, we are awaiting the all clear from the hospital about Duncan's left eye. He had a cataract and could hardly see. He can now see better than he has since he was 11! He needs new glasses and then we can go. So the flight booking is pending.
Our friends in Cape Town, notably Chantal Pelser is very busy finding us somewhere to live for the 3 month stay and we await news on a place in Dolphin Beach. Doesn't that sound lovely? So lovely in prospect that Duncan has promised we will be going for early morning runs on the beach!
We are going to Dewsbury Elim Church on Sunday evening to give our testimony, so it will be lovely to see our friends there again and share all the exciting things that God has been doing since we left. We hope to see Harry, and possibly Lucinda on Sunday too.
My sister Chris and her husband Phil are coming over for 2 weeks, from Turkey where they have lived for the past 6 years. They are staying in London with Debbie and Jackie but will be coming North for a couple of days so we are looking forward to that too.
Then we hope to fly to Cape Town (Optician pending) for our 3 months with Harvester Reformational Church.We have much to learn and are excited and very eager to get there. That said, we are also a bit nervous!


  1. Nice to see it all coming together

  2. It has been lovely and an experience to see how God has been working in you and felt as though I was there to encourage you in some way. Looking back it seems to have gone very quickly.

  3. hi you two, cant wait to see you on sunday evening. I,m def going to make it even though im finding it difficult to sit on this computer chair after my op. Need a cushion for those hard pews me thinks. see ya soon Alison x

  4. Its really good to see how God has been leading you - He has much to show those who are attentive to His Spirit. There is much you will take in during your time in SA, but He will also use you to bring His blessing and touch to many lives whilst you are there. Bless you both and keep blogging!

  5. Don't know why our names came out above like they did.

  6. I'm trying again!!
