Friday 26 March 2010


Duncan had the hiccups last night - and he had them/it (?) badly! And loudly! We were just settling off to sleep when it started and it went on for over 2 hours! That was annoying enough but - he insisted on having his arm around me so I was shaken every 30 seconds but worse than that - HE SLEPT THROUGH IT! "Hic... ahh... hic... ahh" as he snored away! Consequently one of us is a bit more alert and chirpy than the other this morning!


  1. I don't know...what with an influx of new glasses,hiccups,getting ready for your sis AND packing for Cape Town.....the excitement in your house must be phenomenal!!!xxxxxxxxx

  2. Do try and get some sleep tonight!!! Love Mumxx

  3. I'm sure Duncan will cheer up soon not like him not to be laughing.

  4. Tee hee! I'm glad that we will still be able to hear Beverly's funny stories even while you are away - keep them coming :-)
